
38 Super Mario Trivia Questions

Super Mario is one of the most iconic video game franchises in history, captivating gamers of all ages for decades. From the classic 2D platformers to the 3D adventures, Mario’s adventures have left an indelible mark on the world of gaming. 

Whether you’re a seasoned Mario enthusiast or a casual player, this Super Mario trivia is sure to challenge and entertain you. 

Let’s dive into the world of pipes, power-ups, and princesses with these fun and challenging Super Mario trivia questions!

Super Mario Trivia Questions

  1. In which game did Mario first appear and what was his original name?

  2. What is the name of the kingdom that Princess Peach rules over?

  3. Who is the creator of Mario and what was his original profession before joining Nintendo?

  4. In the game “Super Mario Bros. 3,” what is the unique feature of the Tanooki Suit and how does Mario obtain it?

  5. What is the first game where Mario appears as a doctor, and what is the main objective of this game?

  6. Name the character who first appeared as an enemy in “Super Mario Bros. 2” and later became a playable character in later games.

  7. What is the plot of “Super Mario Galaxy” and how does it differ from the traditional Mario storyline?

  8. In “Super Mario 64,” how many Power Stars must Mario collect to face Bowser in the final battle, and what is the name of the location where this battle takes place?

  9. Who is the primary antagonist in “Super Mario Sunshine” and what unique gameplay element was introduced in this game?

  10. What are the names of the four ghosts in the original “Super Mario Bros.” and what unique behaviors do they exhibit?

  11. Describe the F.L.U.D.D. device in “Super Mario Sunshine,” including its functions and the inventor’s name.

  12. What is the plot of “Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars” and what company collaborated with Nintendo to develop this game?

  13. In “Mario Kart 64,” what are the names of all four original cup competitions, and what is unique about the Rainbow Road track in this game?

  14. What is the first 3D Mario game where he has a voice, and who provided his voice?

  15. In “Super Mario World,” what is the name of the dinosaur companion Mario meets, and what are his abilities?

  16. Name the two main types of currency in “Super Mario Odyssey” and how they differ in use.

  17. What is the full name of the character Luigi, as revealed in a 2012 official guide?

  18. In the game “Super Mario Bros.,” what happens when Mario collects 100 coins?

  19. What is the unique feature of the game “Super Mario Bros. 2” in the U.S. compared to its Japanese counterpart?

  20. Name the sports that Mario has played in his various sports-themed games.

  21. What are the three main types of power-ups in “Super Mario Galaxy” and what do they allow Mario to do?

  22. In “Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island,” who is the main character and what is the main objective?

  23. What is the name of the villain in “Super Mario Land” and which kingdom does he rule?

  24. In “Paper Mario,” what unique gameplay element distinguishes it from other Mario games?

  25. Describe the main plot and setting of “Luigi’s Mansion.”

  26. How does Mario rescue the princess in the original “Donkey Kong” game, and what are the different stages he must navigate?

  27. In the original “Super Mario Bros.,” what distinct world is known for its repeating maze-like structure?

  28. What is the name of Mario’s nemesis in “Donkey Kong Jr.” and what is unique about this role?

  29. In “Super Mario Sunshine,” what island does the game take place on, and what is its main tourist attraction?

  30. What is the purpose of the Star Rod in “Paper Mario” and who steals it?

  31. Which game introduced Waluigi, and what is his relationship to Wario?

  32. What is the name of the ghost enemy in the Mario series, and what unique behavior do they exhibit when Mario looks at them?

  33. What are the names of Bowser’s children who first appeared in “Super Mario Bros. 3”?

  34. In “Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga,” what are the names of the two kingdoms featured in the game?

  35. What power-up in “Super Mario Galaxy 2” gives Mario the ability to create and walk on cloud platforms?

  36. What is the plot of “Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins” and what is unique about its final boss?

  37. In “Super Mario 3D World,” what is the name of the new power-up that turns Mario into a cat, and what are its abilities?

  38. What is the storyline behind “Mario vs. Donkey Kong”?


  1. Mario first appeared in the 1981 arcade game “Donkey Kong” and was originally named “Jumpman.”

  2. Princess Peach rules over the Mushroom Kingdom.

  3. Mario was created by Shigeru Miyamoto, who was initially hired by Nintendo as an artist.

  4. In “Super Mario Bros. 3,” the Tanooki Suit allows Mario to turn into a statue for a brief period, providing invincibility. Mario obtains it by finding a Super Leaf.

  5. Mario first appears as a doctor in “Dr. Mario” (1990). The main objective is to eliminate viruses by matching pill capsules of the same color.

  6. Toad first appeared as an enemy in “Super Mario Bros. 2” and later became a playable character in subsequent games.

  7. In “Super Mario Galaxy,” Mario ventures through space to rescue Princess Peach from Bowser, who plans to create a new galaxy and universe. This differs from traditional games where the setting is primarily the Mushroom Kingdom.

  8. In “Super Mario 64,” Mario needs to collect 70 Power Stars to face Bowser in the final battle, which takes place in Bowser in the Sky.

  9. The primary antagonist in “Super Mario Sunshine” is Shadow Mario. The unique gameplay element introduced is the use of a water jetpack called F.L.U.D.D. for cleaning up pollution and solving puzzles.

  10. The four ghosts are Blinky (red), Pinky (pink), Inky (light blue), and Clyde (orange). Each ghost has a unique behavior pattern when chasing Mario.

  11. The F.L.U.D.D. device in “Super Mario Sunshine” is a water-spraying backpack used for cleaning and hovering. It was invented by Professor E. Gadd.

  12. “Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars” involves Mario trying to restore the peace in Mushroom Kingdom by retrieving seven star pieces. It was developed in collaboration with Square (now Square Enix).

  13. In “Mario Kart 64,” the four original cups are Mushroom Cup, Flower Cup, Star Cup, and Special Cup. The unique aspect of Rainbow Road is that it is the longest track in the game and features a colorful, space-themed environment with no guardrails.

  14. The first 3D Mario game where Mario has a voice is “Super Mario 64,” and his voice is provided by Charles Martinet.

  15. In “Super Mario World,” Mario meets a dinosaur companion named Yoshi, who can eat enemies, produce eggs, and gain special abilities by eating certain shells.

  16. In “Super Mario Odyssey,” the two main types of currency are regular coins and purple coins. Regular coins are universal, while purple coins are specific to each kingdom and used to buy kingdom-specific items.

  17. Luigi’s full name is “Luigi Mario,” as revealed in the Prima Games guide for “New Super Mario Bros. U.”

  18. In “Super Mario Bros.,” collecting 100 coins gives Mario an extra life.

  19. The unique feature of the U.S. version of “Super Mario Bros. 2” is that it is a rebranded version of a Japanese game called “Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic,” unlike the Japanese “Super Mario Bros. 2,” which was a direct sequel to the original.

  20. Mario has played various sports including golf, tennis, soccer, baseball, and kart racing.

  21. In “Super Mario Galaxy,” the three main types of power-ups are Bee Mario (allows flying and climbing honeycombs), Boo Mario (allows floating and passing through certain barriers), and Spring Mario (allows high jumps).

  22. The main character in “Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island” is Yoshi, and the main objective is to safely carry Baby Mario and rescue Baby Luigi from Baby Bowser.

  23. In “Super Mario Land,” the villain is Tatanga, and he rules over Sarasaland.

  24. “Paper Mario” features a unique RPG-style gameplay with a distinctive paper-like aesthetic and turn-based combat.

  25. “Luigi’s Mansion” is set in a haunted mansion where Luigi must rescue Mario from ghosts using a vacuum cleaner-like device called the Poltergust 3000.

  26. In the original “Donkey Kong” game, Mario rescues the princess by climbing ladders and avoiding obstacles thrown by Donkey Kong. The different stages include a construction site, a factory, an elevator-themed stage, and the final confrontation stage.

  27. The distinct world in the original “Super Mario Bros.” known for its repeating maze-like structure is World 4-4.

  28. In “Donkey Kong Jr.,” Mario is the antagonist, a unique role reversal where he captures Donkey Kong, and the player controls Donkey Kong Jr.

  29. “Super Mario Sunshine” takes place on Isle Delfino, with its main tourist attraction being the Shine Sprites.

  30. In “Paper Mario,” the Star Rod is used to grant wishes, and it is stolen by Bowser to make himself invincible.

  31. Waluigi was introduced in “Mario Tennis” and is Wario’s partner and Luigi’s rival.

  32. The ghost enemy is called Boo, and they stop moving and cover their faces when Mario looks at them.

  33. Bowser’s children, known as the Koopalings, are Larry, Morton, Wendy, Iggy, Roy, Lemmy, and Ludwig.

  34. The two kingdoms in “Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga” are the Mushroom Kingdom and the Beanbean Kingdom.

  35. The Cloud Flower in “Super Mario Galaxy 2” gives Mario the ability to create cloud platforms.

  36. In “Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins,” Mario must collect six golden coins to regain his castle from Wario, marking Wario’s first appearance.

  37. In “Super Mario 3D World,” the new power-up is the Super Bell, which turns Mario into Cat Mario, allowing him to climb walls and scratch enemies.

  38. “Mario vs. Donkey Kong” revolves around Mario trying to retrieve Mini-Mario toys stolen by Donkey Kong.