160 Animal Trivia Questions

Our planet is home to diverse life forms, and animals make up a major part of it. From the deepest oceans to the highest mountains, they have adapted to survive in the most extreme conditions.

We can take some inspiration from them, don’t you think? 

Ok, now leave the inspiration behind and instead focus on these trivia questions, focusing solely on animals. 

Some are tough, some are easy, but all of them are quite interesting. 

So, let’s begin.

Animal Trivia Questions

  1. Bird Navigation: Which bird species is renowned for its remarkable migratory pattern, covering distances from the Arctic to the Antarctic each year, demonstrating an extraordinary navigation system?

  2. Deep Sea Mystery: Name the bioluminescent fish, known for its light-emitting organ located on a stalk protruding from its forehead, that inhabits the dark depths of the ocean.

  3. Arctic Survival: Which Arctic mammal, famous for its white fur, has black skin underneath to better absorb heat from the sun, and is also known for its ability to survive in extreme cold?

  4. Insect Architects: What is the name of the insect known for constructing intricate mounds in African and Australian savannas, with a sophisticated ventilation system that regulates temperature and oxygen levels?

  5. Longevity Champion: Identify the sea creature known for its exceptionally long lifespan, potentially over 200 years, often found in the cold waters of the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans.

  6. Amphibian Diversity: Which amphibian is unique for its three distinct life stages, including a lungless aquatic larva, a gilled juvenile, and a lung-breathing adult, and is found in North American woodlands?

  7. Desert Adaptation: Name the desert-dwelling rodent famous for its ability to survive without drinking water, obtaining moisture solely from the seeds it eats.

  8. Primate Communication: Which primate species is known for its complex vocalizations, including a variety of hoots, grunts, and screams, used for communication within dense rainforests?

  9. Marine Intelligence: Identify the marine mammal known for its high intelligence, complex social structures, and ability to use tools, such as sponges, to protect their snouts while foraging.

  10. Rainforest Ecosystem Engineer: What is the name of the large South American rodent that plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of rainforest ecosystems by dispersing seeds?

  11. Flightless Wonder: Which large, flightless bird from New Zealand, known for its strong legs and inability to fly, is also noted for laying the largest eggs relative to its body size?

  12. Venomous Predator: Name the only venomous lizard native to the United States, known for its distinctive orange and black beaded skin.

  13. Savanna Speedster: Which African mammal is celebrated as the fastest land animal, capable of reaching speeds up to 70 miles per hour in short bursts?

  14. Underwater Gardener: Identify the small fish, found in the Indo-Pacific coral reefs, known for its unique behavior of tending and protecting algae gardens.

  15. Nighttime Hunter: What is the name of the bird of prey, known for its silent flight and exceptional night vision, often associated with wisdom in various cultures?

  16. Colorful Camouflage: Which tropical fish is renowned for its ability to rapidly change color, using this skill for communication as well as camouflage in coral reefs?

  17. Endangered Giant: Name the largest primate, known for its silverback male leaders and critically endangered status due to habitat loss and poaching.

  18. Hibernation Expert: Identify the North American mammal known for its impressive hibernation ability, during which it can lower its heart rate to as few as five beats per minute.

  19. Unique Bipedal Runner: Which Australian marsupial is known for its distinctive method of locomotion, hopping on its powerful hind legs, and also for keeping its young in a pouch?

  20. Mountain Monarch: Name the large, wild goat known for its impressive curved horns and ability to skillfully navigate the steep and rocky terrain of the European Alps.

  21. Migratory Marvel: What is the name of the tiny bird, weighing less than a nickel, that makes a non-stop flight of over 3,000 miles from the northeastern United States to South America each year?

  22. Aquatic Acrobatics: Identify the freshwater mammal known for its playful nature and remarkable ability to perform acrobatic twists and turns in the water, often seen in rivers and streams in North America.

  23. High Altitude Avian: Name the bird species that holds the record for the highest altitude flight, known to fly over the Himalayas at heights exceeding 29,000 feet.

  24. Night Bloomer Pollinator: Which nocturnal mammal, found in desert regions, is crucial for pollinating the night-blooming saguaro cactus and other desert plants?

  25. Antarctic Giant: Identify the largest species of seal, known for its massive size and deep, haunting vocalizations, predominantly found in Antarctic waters.

  26. Insect Mimicry Master: What is the name of the insect known for its ability to mimic leaves or sticks to an astonishing degree, providing it with near-perfect camouflage in forest environments?

  27. Endangered Ocean Wanderer: Name the sea turtle species known for its long migrations, sometimes spanning thousands of miles, and currently facing threats from habitat loss and ocean pollution.

  28. Treetop Acrobat: Which primate is recognized for its extraordinary agility in treetops, capable of making leaps of over 30 feet between trees in the rainforests of Central and South America?

  29. Venomous Sea Dweller: Identify the brightly colored marine snail, found in tropical coral reefs, known for its potent venom that is used in pain medications.

  30. Subterranean Engineer: What is the name of the rodent famous for its extensive burrow systems in North American prairies, playing a vital role in soil aeration and ecosystem health?

  31. Majestic Migrator: Name the large bird of prey, known for its impressive wingspan and long-distance migrations between North and South America.

  32. Iconic Australian Marsupial: Identify the Australian marsupial known for its distinctive pouch and powerful tail, often seen bouncing across the outback.

  33. Feline Stealth Hunter: Which small wild cat, found in Africa and Asia, is known for its remarkable agility and ability to hunt birds in mid-flight?
  34. Boreal Forest Singer: Name the bird known for its melodious song, often heard in the boreal forests of North America and Eurasia, and noted for its vibrant blue plumage.

  35. Mountainous Herbivore: Identify the large, shaggy-coated mammal known for its ability to navigate steep mountainous terrain in Asia, and for its impressive curved horns.

  36. Underwater Constructor: What is the name of the fish species known for creating elaborate sand structures on the ocean floor to attract mates?

  37. Desert Speedster: Name the fastest land animal in North America, known for its incredible speed and agility in desert environments.

  38. Rainforest Canopy Dweller: Identify the small, nocturnal primate known for its huge, forward-facing eyes, enabling excellent night vision in the dense rainforests of Madagascar.

  39. Arctic Icon: What is the name of the whale species known for its distinctive long, spiraled tusk, which is actually an elongated tooth, seen in Arctic waters?

  40. Tiny but Mighty Pollinator: Name the smallest bird species in the world, known for its ability to hover in mid-air, found in the Caribbean and parts of Central and South America.

  41. Rainforest Amphibian: What is the name of the brightly colored frog, found in Central and South American rainforests, known for its toxic skin secretions used by indigenous people to poison their darts?

  42. Arctic Bird of Prey: Identify the large raptor known for its white plumage, which helps it blend into the Arctic tundra, and is a skilled hunter even in harsh winter conditions.

  43. Deep Ocean Giant: Name the giant cephalopod, known for its enormous eyes and deep-sea habitat, that is believed to be the inspiration behind various sea monster legends.

  44. Desert Survivor: Which small, nocturnal reptile, known for its ability to survive in some of the harshest desert environments, can store water in its body and excrete salt through its eyes?

  45. Endangered Asian Canid: Identify the small, fox-like wild dog, native to the forests of Southeast Asia, that is critically endangered due to habitat loss and hunting.

  46. African Social Insect: What is the name of the large, social insect known for its complex, hierarchical societies, and ability to construct large, cone-shaped mounds in African savannas?

  47. South American Swimmer: Name the large river dolphin species, known for its pink coloration and flexible neck, which is unique among dolphins and helps it navigate through flooded forests.

  48. Polar Diver: Which Arctic seabird is known for its remarkable diving ability, often plunging to depths of over 200 feet in search of fish?

  49. Stealthy African Predator: Identify the large African cat, known for its spotted coat and incredible ability to climb trees, often dragging its prey up into the branches.

  50. High-Flying Migrator: What is the name of the small bird that makes one of the longest migratory flights of any songbird, traveling from North America to South America each year?

  51. Himalayan Bovine: Name the large, shaggy-haired bovine found in the Himalayas, known for its ability to live at high altitudes where oxygen levels are low.

  52. Colorful Reef Fish: Identify the small, brightly colored fish, famous for its symbiotic relationship with anemones in tropical coral reefs.

  53. Unique New Zealand Mammal: Which nocturnal mammal, native to New Zealand, is known for being the only mammal capable of flying and for its diet primarily consisting of nectar?

  54. Large African Herbivore: Name the African herbivore known for its large, curved horns and a distinct hump on its shoulders, often seen in savanna grasslands.

  55. Iconic Galapagos Resident: Identify the large reptile, native to the Galapagos Islands, known for its long lifespan and distinct saddle-shaped shell.

  56. Arboreal Asian Primate: What is the name of the small, slow-moving primate found in Southeast Asia, known for its nocturnal habits and large, distinctive eyes?

  57. Endangered Indian Predator: Name the largest of the big cats, known for its distinctive striped coat, and primarily found in India and Southeast Asia.

  58. European Cave Dweller: Identify the small, insectivorous mammal known for its ability to navigate in total darkness using echolocation, often found roosting in European caves.

  59. North American Herbivore: What is the name of the large North American mammal, known for its massive head and shoulders, and plays a significant role in Native American culture?

  60. Australian Burrower: Name the small, egg-laying mammal native to Australia, known for its long snout and habit of burrowing in the ground.

  61. Oceanic Navigator: What is the name of the large seabird known for its incredible long-distance flights, often traveling thousands of miles across the ocean without landing?

  62. African River Giant: Identify the large mammal known for its amphibious lifestyle in African rivers and lakes, having the distinction of being one of the most dangerous animals in Africa.

  63. Cave-Dwelling Insectivore: Name the small mammal, famous for its echolocation abilities and insectivorous diet, often found roosting in dark caves and old buildings in Europe and North America.

  64. Desert Antelope: Which slender antelope, known for its remarkable adaptations to desert life, can be found in the arid regions of Africa and the Middle East?

  65. Endangered Island Mammal: Identify the small, nocturnal marsupial native to Australia, known for its unique hopping movement and currently facing threats due to habitat loss.

  66. Asian Pachyderm: What is the name of the largest land mammal in Asia, known for its cultural significance and endangered status due to habitat loss and poaching?

  67. South American Pack Hunter: Name the wild canine species found in South American grasslands, known for its cooperative hunting tactics and distinctive vocalizations.

  68. African Savannah Monarch: Identify the large African mammal, known for its majestic mane and status as a keystone predator in savannah ecosystems.

  69. Australian Marsupial Predator: What is the name of the carnivorous marsupial native to Tasmania, known for its ferocious temperament and powerful jaws?

  70. Deep Sea Luminescent Predator: Name the large, deep-sea fish known for its bioluminescent lure used to attract prey in the dark ocean depths.

  71. High-Flying Raptor: Identify the bird of prey known for its spectacular aerial displays and diving speeds of over 200 mph, making it the fastest animal in the world.

  72. Arctic Pack Animal: Which canine species is known for its remarkable endurance and ability to survive in the harsh conditions of the Arctic tundra?

  73. Iconic American Bird: Name the large North American bird, known for its bald head and white tail, symbolizing freedom and appearing on various emblems in the United States.

  74. Rainforest Climber: What is the name of the small primate, found in the rainforests of Madagascar, known for its long fingers and nocturnal habits?

  75. Large Asian Bird: Identify the large bird, native to the Indian subcontinent, known for its impressive size, blue plumage, and loud, distinctive call.

  76. Migratory Shorebird: Name the bird known for its long, thin beak and remarkable migratory journeys, traveling from Arctic breeding grounds to southern wintering areas each year.

  77. Endangered Asian Bear: Which bear species, found in the mountainous regions of Asia, is known for its distinctive crescent-shaped chest mark and is currently endangered?

  78. South American Grazing Animal: Identify the large, camelid species native to the high Andes of South America, known for its wool and ability to thrive in high altitudes.

  79. Australian Flying Fox: What is the name of the large bat, found in Australia and neighboring islands, known for its fruit-based diet and crucial role in pollination?

  80. Sub-Saharan African Canid: Name the small, social wild dog species, known for its large ears and distinctive coat pattern, found in the savannas and woodlands of sub-Saharan Africa.

  81. Forest Floor Forager: What is the name of the small mammal known for its spiny armor and habit of rolling into a ball when threatened, commonly found in European and Asian forests?

  82. Oceanic Mammal Giant: Identify the largest animal ever known to have existed, a marine mammal known for its immense size and distinctive songs heard across oceanic expanses.

  83. Arctic Sea Mammal: Name the medium-sized seal species, known for its distinctive ringed pattern on the fur and ability to thrive in the frigid Arctic environment.

  84. African Social Mammal: Which large, burrowing mammal, found in African savannas, is known for its complex social structure and behavior, living in large, cooperative groups?

  85. Iconic North American Ungulate: Identify the large North American mammal known for its impressive antlers and ability to make long migrations across mountainous terrains.

  86. South American Rainforest Climber: What is the name of the large rodent native to South America, known for its adept climbing skills and prehensile tail?

  87. Small European Carnivore: Name the small, agile mammal found throughout Europe, known for its bandit-like face mask and adept climbing abilities.

  88. Endangered Asian Primate: Identify the small primate species, native to the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra, known for its distinctive orange fur and critically endangered status.

  89. Australian Digger: What is the name of the marsupial known for its burrowing habits and distinctive snout, native to the grasslands and forests of Australia?

  90. Majestic Sea Predator: Name the large marine predator, known for its sleek, torpedo-shaped body and reputation as one of the ocean’s most efficient hunters.

  91. African Lake Dweller: Identify the large, freshwater fish found in African lakes, known for its elongated body and status as one of the largest freshwater fish species.

  92. North American Nocturnal Mammal: Which small mammal, known for its black mask and ringed tail, is a common sight in North American forests and urban areas?

  93. Endangered Oceanic Bird: Name the large seabird, known for its long wingspan and endangered status, often found in the Southern Ocean near Antarctica.

  94. Asian Forest Inhabitant: Identify the large, hoofed mammal native to the forests of Southeast Asia, known for its solitary nature and impressive curved horns.

  95. Desert Carnivore: What is the name of the small, nocturnal predator found in North African deserts, known for its large ears and ability to survive in arid conditions?

  96. Highland Asian Ungulate: Name the large, wild sheep species known for its thick wool and curved horns, found in the high mountain ranges of Central Asia.

  97. European Forest Bird: Identify the small, colorful bird known for its bright blue plumage and melodious song, commonly found in European woodlands.

  98. American Prairie Icon: What is the name of the large, herbivorous rodent known for its extensive burrowing habits, playing a vital role in prairie ecosystems in North America?

  99. Antarctic Sea Bird: Name the flightless bird, known for its tuxedo-like appearance and remarkable swimming ability, commonly found in the icy waters of Antarctica.

  100. South American Jungle Cat: Identify the medium-sized wild cat, native to Central and South American rainforests, known for its striking coat pattern and arboreal lifestyle.

  101. Elusive African Cat: What is the name of the small, solitary wild cat known for its golden coat and black-spotted pattern, native to the savannas of Africa?

  102. Tropical Rainforest Reptile: Identify the large, non-venomous snake, famous for its impressive size and strength, often found in the rainforests of South America.

  103. Arctic Mammal: Name the small, stocky whale known for its distinctive tusk protruding from its mouth, often seen in the icy waters of the Arctic.

  104. High-Altitude Asian Bird: Which bird, known for its colorful plumage and ability to live at high altitudes, is a common sight in the Himalayas?

  105. North American Boreal Forest Bird: Identify the large bird of prey, known for its distinctive “hoot” sound and ability to rotate its head almost completely around, often found in the forests of North America.

  106. African Pack Animal: What is the name of the highly social, carnivorous mammal, known for its loud, laughing vocalizations, found in the savannas of Africa?

  107. Australian Marsupial Climber: Name the tree-dwelling marsupial, native to the forests of Australia, known for its thick fur and slow-moving nature.

  108. Large North American Carnivore: Identify the large mammal, known for its humpback and powerful build, often found in the mountainous regions of North America.

  109. Amazon Basin Fish: What is the name of the large, predatory fish, famous for its sharp teeth and aggressive behavior, found in the Amazon River?

  110. Desert Lizard: Name the small, colorful lizard known for its ability to run on its hind legs, often seen in the desert regions of North America.

  111. African Savannah Grazer: Identify the large herbivore, known for its distinctive long neck and spotted pattern, commonly seen in the savannas of Africa.

  112. Small European Mammal: What is the name of the small, nocturnal mammal, known for its spiky coat and habit of rolling into a ball, commonly found in European gardens?

  113. Endangered Mountain Gorilla: Name the large primate species, found in the mountainous forests of Central Africa, known for its silverback males and critically endangered status.

  114. Asiatic Big Cat: Identify the large feline, native to the forests of Siberia, known for its thick fur and ability to survive in cold climates.

  115. South American Monkey: What is the name of the small primate, known for its prehensile tail and loud calls, commonly found in the rainforests of South America?

  116. Australian Desert Mammal: Name the small, hopping marsupial, known for its long ears and ability to survive in arid environments, native to the deserts of Australia.

  117. European Alpine Climber: Identify the agile, hoofed mammal, known for its climbing skills and living in the high mountain ranges of Europe.

  118. North American Wetland Bird: What is the name of the large bird, known for its distinctive red facial skin and loud call, often seen in the marshes and wetlands of North America?

  119. Endangered Sea Turtle: Name the critically endangered sea turtle species, known for its large size and distinctive ridges on its shell.

  120. African Desert Antelope: Identify the slender antelope species, known for its long horns and ability to survive in the arid regions of the African desert.

  121. Endangered Asian Rhino: What is the name of the rare, one-horned rhinoceros, primarily found in the grasslands and forests of India and Nepal?

  122. American Desert Burrower: Identify the small, nocturnal rodent, known for its large ears and ability to live in the harsh desert environments of North America.

  123. Arctic Flightless Bird: Name the large, flightless bird native to the Arctic region, known for its thick plumage and ability to swim in icy waters.

  124. African Tree-Dwelling Primate: Which primate, known for its long limbs and tail, is adept at brachiation and is commonly found in the rainforests of Central and West Africa?

  125. South American Rainforest Mammal: Identify the large rodent, native to South America, known for its webbed feet and amphibious lifestyle, often found in rivers and streams.

  126. Giant Forest Bird: What is the name of the large, flightless bird native to New Guinea, known for its striking appearance and powerful legs?

  127. North American Forest Mammal: Name the medium-sized omnivore, known for its black fur and white face markings, commonly found in the forests of North America.

  128. Endangered Indonesian Ape: Identify the large primate species, native to the rainforests of Sumatra, known for its distinctive red fur and critically endangered status.

  129. Australian Iconic Reptile: What is the name of the large, carnivorous reptile, famous for its powerful jaws and presence in Australian rivers and estuaries?

  130. Highland South American Rodent: Name the small, furry rodent, known for its ability to live in high-altitude environments in the Andes Mountains of South America.

  131. European Coastal Bird: Identify the large seabird, known for its long beak and distinctive bassoon-like call, often found along European coastlines.

  132. Endangered Madagascan Lemur: What is the name of the small, nocturnal primate, known for its big eyes and long fingers, found exclusively in the rainforests of Madagascar?

  133. African Desert Rodent: Name the small, nocturnal rodent, known for its long hind legs and ability to “dance” as a means of locomotion, found in the deserts of Africa.

  134. Asiatic Wild Ass: Identify the horse-like mammal, native to the arid regions of Central Asia, known for its endurance and speed.

  135. American Wetland Mammal: What is the name of the large, semiaquatic rodent, known for its flat tail and engineering skills in building dams and lodges?

  136. Endangered South American Bird: Name the large, flightless bird, native to the grasslands of South America, known for its running speed and threatened status.

  137. African Browsing Animal: Identify the large herbivore, known for its long neck and distinctive ossicones, commonly seen in African savannas.

  138. Iconic Australian Marsupial: What is the name of the small, nocturnal marsupial, known for its pouch and distinctive hopping movement, native to Australia?

  139. Asian Jungle Cat: Name the medium-sized wild cat, known for its adaptability and presence in a variety of habitats across Southeast Asia.

  140. North American Mountain Mammal: Identify the large, shaggy-haired mammal, known for its curved horns and ability to navigate rocky mountain terrains in North America.

  141. Massive African Herbivore: What is the name of the largest land mammal, known for its long trunk and large tusks, found primarily in Africa and Asia?

  142. Colorful Australian Bird: Identify the brightly colored parrot, known for its ability to mimic human speech, commonly found in Australia.

  143. Arctic Marine Predator: Name the large seal species, known for its distinctive spotted fur and skilled hunting abilities in the icy waters of the Arctic.

  144. South American Rainforest Bird: Which bird, known for its brilliant plumage and elaborate courtship dances, is a highlight of the South American rainforests?

  145. North American Mountain Bird: Identify the bird known for its unique drumming behavior on tree trunks, commonly found in the forests of North America.

  146. African Savannah Carnivore: What is the name of the spotted carnivorous mammal, known for its high-speed chases and efficiency in hunting, found in the African savannah?

  147. Australian Aquatic Mammal: Name the large, semiaquatic mammal, native to Australia, known for its distinctive bill and webbed feet.

  148. Endangered Asian Deer: Identify the small deer species, known for its fanged appearance and endangered status, native to the dense forests of Southeast Asia.

  149. North American Forest Rodent: What is the name of the small, acrobatic rodent, known for its bushy tail and ability to store food for the winter, found in North American forests?

  150. Giant South American Rodent: Name the world’s largest rodent, native to South America, known for its semi-aquatic lifestyle and social behavior.

  151. African Nocturnal Primate: Identify the small primate, known for its big, round eyes and nocturnal habits, commonly found in the forests of Africa.

  152. Endangered Oceanic Dolphin: What is the name of the small, rare dolphin species, known for its distinct coloration and critically endangered status, found in the Yangtze River in China?

  153. South American Mountain Cat: Name the small wild cat, known for its elusive nature and presence in the Andean mountains of South America.

  154. Australian Desert Bird: Identify the large, terrestrial bird, known for its long legs and ability to survive in the arid environments of Australia.

  155. North American Pronged Antelope: What is the name of the fast and agile antelope species, known for its distinctive horns, found in the grasslands of North America?

  156. Asian Tropical Forest Bird: Name the bird known for its elaborate tail feathers and distinctive call, commonly found in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia.

  157. African River-Dwelling Reptile: Identify the large reptile, known for its armored skin and presence in African rivers and lakes.

  158. European Forest Ungulate: What is the name of the medium-sized deer, known for its reddish-brown fur and presence in the forests of Europe?

  159. Endangered Himalayan Feline: Name the elusive wild cat species, known for its long, thick fur and ability to live in the high-altitude environments of the Himalayas.

  160. North American Coastal Bird: Identify the large, migratory bird, known for its distinct call and presence along the coastlines of North America.


  1. Arctic Tern

  2. Anglerfish

  3. Polar Bear

  4. Termite

  5. Greenland Shark

  6. Salamander

  7. Kangaroo Rat

  8. Howler Monkey

  9. Dolphin

  10. Agouti

  11. Kiwi

  12. Gila Monster

  13. Cheetah

  14. Damselfish

  15. Owl

  16. Chameleon

  17. Gorilla

  18. Bear (e.g., Black Bear or Grizzly Bear)

  19. Kangaroo

  20. Ibex

  21. Ruby-throated Hummingbird

  22. River Otter

  23. Bar-headed Goose

  24. Lesser Long-nosed Bat

  25. Southern Elephant Seal

  26. Stick or Leaf Insect

  27. Leatherback Sea Turtle

  28. Spider Monkey

  29. Cone Snail

  30. Prairie Dog

  31. Osprey

  32. Kangaroo

  33. Caracal

  34. Blue Jay

  35. Yak

  36. Pufferfish

  37. Pronghorn

  38. Mouse Lemur

  39. Narwhal

  40. Bee Hummingbird

  41. Poison Dart Frog

  42. Snowy Owl

  43. Giant Squid

  44. Desert Gecko

  45. Dhole

  46. Termite

  47. Amazon River Dolphin

  48. Puffin

  49. Leopard

  50. Swainson’s Thrush

  51. Yak

  52. Clownfish

  53. Lesser Short-tailed Bat

  54. Buffalo

  55. Giant Tortoise

  56. Slow Loris

  57. Tiger

  58. Bat (e.g., European Horseshoe Bat)

  59. Bison

  60. Echidna

  61. Albatross

  62. Hippopotamus

  63. Bat (e.g., Little Brown Bat)

  64. Gerenuk

  65. Quokka

  66. Asian Elephant

  67. Maned Wolf

  68. Lion

  69. Tasmanian Devil

  70. Anglerfish

  71. Peregrine Falcon

  72. Arctic Wolf

  73. Bald Eagle

  74. Aye-aye

  75. Indian Peafowl (Peacock)

  76. Godwit

  77. Moon Bear (Asiatic Black Bear)

  78. Llama

  79. Grey-headed Flying Fox

  80. African Wild Dog

  81. Hedgehog

  82. Blue Whale

  83. Ringed Seal

  84. Meerkat

  85. Elk

  86. Coati

  87. Raccoon

  88. Orangutan

  89. Wombat

  90. Shark (e.g., Great White Shark)

  91. Nile Perch

  92. Raccoon

  93. Albatross (e.g., Wandering Albatross)

  94. Gaur

  95. Fennec Fox

  96. Argali

  97. Blue Tit

  98. Prairie Dog

  99. Penguin (e.g., Emperor Penguin)

  100. Ocelot

  101. Cheetah

  102. Anaconda

  103. Narwhal

  104. Monal

  105. Great Horned Owl

  106. Hyena

  107. Koala

  108. Grizzly Bear

  109. Piranha

  110. Frilled Lizard

  111. Giraffe

  112. Hedgehog

  113. Mountain Gorilla

  114. Siberian Tiger

  115. Howler Monkey

  116. Bilby

  117. Ibex

  118. Sandhill Crane

  119. Leatherback Sea Turtle

  120. Oryx

  121. Indian Rhinoceros

  122. Kangaroo Rat

  123. Auk

  124. Gibbon

  125. Capybara

  126. Cassowary

  127. Skunk

  128. Sumatran Orangutan

  129. Saltwater Crocodile

  130. Chinchilla

  131. Puffin

  132. Aye-aye

  133. Jerboa

  134. Onager

  135. Beaver

  136. Rhea

  137. Giraffe

  138. Wallaby

  139. Leopard Cat

  140. Mountain Goat

  141. Elephant (African Elephant or Asian Elephant)

  142. Cockatoo

  143. Leopard Seal

  144. Bird of Paradise

  145. Woodpecker

  146. Cheetah

  147. Platypus

  148. Water Deer

  149. Squirrel

  150. Capybara

  151. Bushbaby

  152. Yangtze River Dolphin

  153. Andean Mountain Cat

  154. Emu

  155. Pronghorn

  156. Peacock (e.g., Indian Peafowl)

  157. Crocodile (e.g., Nile Crocodile)

  158. Roe Deer

  159. Snow Leopard

  160. Sandpiper
160 trivia questions about animals

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