
28 Biology Trivia Questions

Biology is the fascinating study of life in all its forms, from tiny microorganisms to the majestic creatures that roam our planet. 

Whether you’re a seasoned biologist or just have a keen interest in the natural world, testing your knowledge with some biology trivia questions can be a fun and educational way to learn more about the living organisms that inhabit Earth

In this blog post, we’ve compiled a list of engaging biology trivia questions to challenge your understanding of the biological world. 

So, grab a pen and paper, or gather some friends, and let’s dive into the world of biology trivia!

Biology Trivia Questions

  1. Which bird species exhibits a remarkable evolutionary adaptation allowing it to drink seawater, thanks to specialized glands that filter out salt?

  2. Who was the scientist credited with discovering the chemical process of photosynthesis, and in what year did this discovery occur?

  3. The Human Genome Project was a landmark scientific endeavor. When was it officially declared complete, and how many base pairs are contained in the human genome?

  4. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1962 was awarded for the discovery of the molecular structure of DNA. Who were the recipients of this award?

  5. What is the name of the process by which plants convert nitrogen gas from the atmosphere into ammonia, and which specific group of organisms primarily facilitates this process?

  6. In the animal kingdom, which class of animals has the most species, and can you name a unique feature that distinguishes members of this class from other animals?

  7. The Galapagos Islands are famous for their unique wildlife. What specific observations made by Charles Darwin on these islands significantly contributed to his theory of evolution?

  8. What is the name of the rare genetic disorder characterized by accelerated aging in children, and what is the typical cause of this condition at the genetic level?

  9. What biological phenomenon is responsible for the unique blue and green colors of a peacock’s feathers?

  10. What is the largest single-celled organism, and where is it commonly found?

  11. What is the name of the pigment responsible for the red coloration of blood in most vertebrates?

  12. What term describes the symbiotic relationship between fungi and the roots of plants, and how does this benefit the plant?

  13. What is the main difference between venom and poison in the animal kingdom?

  14. In botany, what is the term for the process where a plant orients itself in response to light?

  15. What is the only mammal capable of true sustained flight?

  16. What is the process called by which a tadpole develops into an adult frog?

  17. What are the two types of nucleic acids found in living cells, and what are their primary functions?

  18. What is the name of the deepest known point in Earth’s oceans, and which organisms have been found to live at such extreme depths?

  19. What is the name of the process by which bacteria can transfer genetic material to each other, often referred to as bacterial “sex”?

  20. What is the rarest blood type in humans, and what makes it unique?

  21. What is the principle of competitive exclusion in ecology?

  22. What is the largest organ in the human body?

  23. What phenomenon explains why individuals of the same species, like the domestic dog, can have such varied appearances?

  24. What are prions and why are they significant in the study of diseases?

  25. What role do ribosomes play in a cell?

  26. What is the primary difference between a virus and a bacterium?

  27. What is the name of the process in which plants release water vapor into the air through small openings in their leaves?

  28. What is the phenomenon where species evolve in response to each other, often seen in predator-prey or parasitic relationships?


  1. The Albatross species has the ability to drink seawater. They possess specialized glands located above the nasal passage, which help excrete salt.

  2. The discovery of photosynthesis is credited to Jan Ingenhousz, a Dutch biologist and chemist, in 1779.

  3. The Human Genome Project was declared complete in April 2003. The human genome contains approximately 3 billion base pairs.

  4. The Nobel Prize in 1962 was awarded to James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins for their work in discovering the structure of DNA.

  5. The process is known as biological nitrogen fixation. It is primarily facilitated by a specific group of bacteria, including the genus Rhizobium, which often form symbiotic relationships with leguminous plants.

  6. Insects form the largest class in the animal kingdom. A unique feature of insects is their exoskeleton, made of a tough substance called chitin.

  7. Darwin observed the variation in the shapes of tortoise shells and the beak shapes of finches on the Galapagos Islands, which helped him develop his theory of natural selection.

  8. The genetic disorder is known as Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome. It is typically caused by a mutation in the LMNA gene, which leads to the production of an abnormal protein called progerin.

  9. Structural coloration caused by microscopic structures in the feathers that refract light.

  10. The Caulerpa taxifolia, a type of green alga, is the largest single-celled organism, commonly found in tropical waters.

  11. Hemoglobin is the pigment responsible for the red coloration of blood.

  12. This relationship is called mycorrhiza. It enhances the plant’s nutrient and water absorption.

  13. Venom is injected by a bite or sting, while poison is harmful when ingested or touched.

  14. The process is called phototropism.

  15. The only mammal capable of true sustained flight is the bat.

  16. This process is known as metamorphosis.

  17. The two types of nucleic acids are DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid). DNA stores genetic information, while RNA translates that information into proteins.

  18. The Mariana Trench is the deepest known point. Organisms like certain types of fish, crustaceans, and microorganisms live there.
  19. This process is called bacterial conjugation.

  20. AB negative is the rarest blood type. It is unique because it lacks A, B, and Rh antigens.

  21. The principle of competitive exclusion states that two species competing for the same resources cannot coexist at constant population values.

  22. The skin is the largest organ in the human body.

  23. This phenomenon is known as genetic variability, heavily influenced by selective breeding in dogs.

  24. Prions are misfolded proteins that can cause neurodegenerative diseases like mad cow disease.

  25. Ribosomes synthesize proteins in the cell.

  26. Viruses are non-living and require a host to replicate, while bacteria are living organisms that can survive independently.

  27. This process is called transpiration.

  28. This phenomenon is known as coevolution.