
18 Christmas Gift Ideas for Kids Who Have Everything

So, it’s that time of year again—Christmas is around the corner, and I’m already in full-on panic mode. 


Because I’m trying to figure out what on earth to buy for the kids in my life who, quite frankly, already have everything. I mean, what do you even get for a kid who has a PlayStation, three drones, a trampoline, and enough LEGO to build an actual house?

Let’s be real: we’ve all got at least one child (or five) on our gift list who’s got every gadget, toy, and possibly even their own slime factory. 

But, hey, I’ve done the hard work for you and put together a list of creative, fun, and slightly ridiculous Christmas gifts that will make even the pickiest kid crack a smile. 

Buckle up and grab your hot chocolate, because here are some Christmas gift ideas for the kid who has everything—except, of course, the one thing you’re about to find for them! 

(Spoiler: It’s probably not another drone.)

Christmas Gift Ideas For Kids Who Have Everything

Indoor Fort Building Kit

18 Christmas Gift Ideas for Kids Who Have Everything

First up, let’s talk about the Indoor Fort Building Kit. If you’ve ever seen a child attempt to build a fort out of couch cushions and a questionable amount of enthusiasm, you’ll know that kids LOVE forts. 

But after they’ve turned your living room into a chaotic mess that looks like a tornado passed through IKEA, it might be time to upgrade them to this magical kit.

This kit comes with flexible rods and connectors so they can construct the fort of their dreams

Want to build a castle? 


How about a spaceship? 

Sure, why not? 

The best part is, once they’re done, the living room doesn’t look like an episode of Hoarders

It’s all the fun of fort-building without you tripping over couch cushions for the next two weeks. 

Plus, it gives kids the chance to imagine themselves as knights, astronauts, or, more realistically, just someone avoiding homework.

Glow-in-the-Dark Blanket

Let’s be honest, we all wish our blankets glowed in the dark

The Glow-in-the-Dark Blanket is for that kid who already has every stuffed animal known to humankind and doesn’t need another. This blanket is soft, cozy, and literally glows, adding an extra touch of magic to bedtime.

Picture this: You tuck them in, turn off the lights, and suddenly their bed turns into a cozy galaxy or a magical glowing forest. 

Who needs night lights when you’ve got a blanket that glows? 

Just make sure they don’t get too attached and start insisting on using it during family movie night—because nothing says “festive” like being blinded by a glowing blanket during Elf.

Audio Story Player

Now, for those parents who are over the screen-time debate (aren’t we all?), the Audio Story Player is a gift sent from above. 

It’s a screen-free way for kids to enjoy stories and songs without ending up in a YouTube rabbit hole that starts with “The Ugly Duckling” and somehow ends with slime-making tutorials at 2 a.m.

This player comes pre-loaded with stories, music, and more. 

Imagine a peaceful afternoon where your child is sitting, entranced by a story, while you sit quietly nearby, sipping coffee and pretending you’re one of those people who have their lives together. 

The best part? 

No screens. No blue light. No 45-minute negotiation about turning off the iPad. Just good old-fashioned storytelling magic.

Personalized Name Puzzle

What’s better than a regular puzzle? 

A Personalized Name Puzzle, of course! Not only is this puzzle fun and educational, but it’s also a great way to teach younger kids how to spell their name without them staring at a screen. 

Plus, when they’re older, they can brag about how they had custom puzzles made just for them—because what kid doesn’t want to feel like a VIP?

It’s the perfect blend of fun and function. “Oh, you’re learning letters? That’s cute. I’m learning my name in a tactile and mentally stimulating way. No biggie.” It’s also a great way to avoid the, “Who left this puzzle piece on the floor?” game, because when it spells out their name, they can’t blame it on their sibling.

Virtual Reality Headset for Kids

18 Christmas Gift Ideas for Kids Who Have Everything

Alright, now we’re diving into the techy stuff. The Virtual Reality Headset for Kids is the perfect gift for the child who’s done with the whole “reality” thing and is ready to explore the virtual world. 

But don’t worry, this headset is kid-friendly, meaning they won’t accidentally end up playing an intense zombie game when they were just trying to do a virtual spacewalk.

From virtual rollercoaster rides to underwater explorations, this headset is all about immersive experiences. 

And let’s be real, sometimes we all need a break from this reality—especially after watching the 400th episode of Paw Patrol

Why not let them dive into a world where they can explore without leaving the living room? 

It’s educational and fun, which is basically a parenting win-win.

Geocaching Kit

Okay, so you want the kids to get outside for some fresh air? Enter the Geocaching Kit, a clever way to turn your local park into a treasure hunt extravaganza. 

With this kit, kids can join the world of geocaching, which is essentially modern-day treasure hunting. It’s all about adventure, exploration, and finding hidden surprises. 

It’s like Indiana Jones meets Dora the Explorer—but without the constant shouting of “Swiper, no swiping!”

This is a great gift for those kids who need a little extra encouragement to get out into nature. Just make sure you’re ready for phrases like “I think I found a clue!” and “Can we go geocaching again tomorrow?” on repeat. But hey, at least they’re excited to be outdoors, right?

Karaoke Machine

Oh, the Karaoke Machine. There’s no way this one isn’t going to turn into a full-blown living room concert—complete with off-key renditions of Let It Go

But that’s the fun of it. For the kid who’s already got an impressive lineup of talent shows under their belt (and by talent shows, I mean impromptu performances in your kitchen), this is the perfect gift.

This karaoke set is designed just for kids, and it even has disco lights to set the mood. I mean, who needs an audience when you’ve got lights and a microphone? It’s all fun and games until they refuse to stop performing… but hey, they’re having fun, and you’ll have hilarious videos for future blackmail—I mean, memories.

DIY Slime Kit

I know, I know—slime

As much as we’ve all tried to ban it from our homes, kids still LOVE it. But hear me out: This DIY Slime Kit isn’t just your run-of-the-mill sticky mess. 

It comes with glitter, beads, and even color-changing slime ingredients. It’s slime 2.0.

Sure, it’ll still end up in someone’s hair (probably yours), but at least they’re learning some chemistry, right? 

I’ve accepted that slime is here to stay, so why not make it as epic as possible? 

Plus, it’s a great distraction when you need 30 minutes of peace and quiet. Just don’t step in it.

Ride-on Toy or Hoverboard

18 Christmas Gift Ideas for Kids Who Have Everything

For the kid who’s bouncing off the walls (literally), nothing says “Merry Christmas” like a new set of wheels. Whether it’s a ride-on car, a scooter, or a hoverboard, these gifts are perfect for kids who love active play. 

Plus, if you want to be the coolest relative at Christmas, a hoverboard is basically a one-way ticket to “favorite aunt/uncle” status.

Just make sure to set some ground rules—like, no using the hoverboard inside, no trying to race the family dog, and absolutely no attempting tricks without a helmet. 

Trust me, once they’re zooming around on their new ride, you’ll feel like you’ve given them the gift of ultimate freedom. 

Or, at the very least, a way to burn off all that holiday sugar.

Adventure Scratch-Off Map

Last but not least, we’ve got the Adventure Scratch-Off Map. This is a great way to inspire curiosity and a love of travel in kids (or, you know, at least get them excited about leaving the house). 

The idea is simple: They scratch off places they’ve visited or activities they’ve done, revealing cool designs underneath.

It’s like a visual bucket list that keeps growing as they explore more of the world around them. 

Even if the furthest they’ve gone recently is the neighbor’s backyard, this map makes it feel like an adventure. 

Plus, it’s fun to watch them excitedly scratch off new places and experiences, even if “adventure” sometimes just means “going to grandma’s house.”

Interactive Globe

Let’s face it, geography isn’t exactly at the top of most kids’ “favorite subjects” list—unless, of course, you’re talking about the Interactive Globe

This isn’t your grandma’s dusty, spinning globe that just sits there. Nope, this one talks. It’s packed with facts, trivia, and interactive features that turn learning about the world into a game.

Picture this: You’re sitting there enjoying your coffee while your child spins the globe and learns about penguins in Antarctica or kangaroos in Australia. 

And the best part? 

They’re getting smarter, while you look like a genius for gifting something educational and fun. You can even have fun pretending you knew all the answers. “Oh, yeah, I totally knew that Djibouti is a real place.” Sure you did.

Animal Adoption Kit

For the little one who loves animals (or has run out of room for more plushies), how about an Animal Adoption Kit? Before you panic, no, I’m not suggesting you gift them a live tiger for Christmas (although that would be a legendary gift). 

This is a symbolic adoption through a wildlife foundation, where they can “adopt” an endangered animal and learn all about conservation.

It’s a great way to introduce them to wildlife conservation, and they get to feel like they’re doing something meaningful. 

Plus, most kits come with a cute stuffed version of the animal they’re saving, so they can still cuddle with their newfound eco-friendly friend

I can already hear them proudly telling everyone about how they’re now the official parent of a snow leopard.

Laser Tag Set

Okay, brace yourself for some serious energy expenditure. 

The Laser Tag Set is for the kid who’s bouncing off the walls (and maybe a few ceilings) and needs a way to channel that energy into something that doesn’t involve breaking your favorite vase. 

With this set, they can have their very own laser tag battles right at home or in the backyard.

Not only does it give them a chance to wear out some of that endless energy supply, but it’s also a great way to keep them out of your hair for a while. 

Set them up with their blasters and sensors, and let them run around zapping each other while you enjoy a rare moment of peace. 

Bonus points if you can get the whole family involved—nothing says “family bonding” like a competitive round of laser tag in the living room.

Grow-Your-Own Garden Kit

18 Christmas Gift Ideas for Kids Who Have Everything

For the more mellow child (or the one you wish would mellow out), the Grow-Your-Own Garden Kit is a sweet, hands-on way to teach them about patience, responsibility, and how not to kill a plant

The kit comes with seeds, pots, and all the tools they need to plant their very own mini garden—whether it’s flowers or veggies.

It’s a great way to get them excited about nature and teach them where food comes from, beyond “the fridge.” Plus, imagine how proud they’ll feel when their little sprout finally grows! You’ll probably be hearing a lot of “Look what I did!”—and for once, it won’t be about slime stuck to the ceiling. 

Who knows? 

Maybe you’ll even end up with a pint-sized gardening pro who insists on helping with your plants. Just keep an eye on that hose…

Building Marble Run Set

If you want to keep those little hands busy (and out of trouble), the Building Marble Run Set is a fantastic way to foster their creativity and problem-solving skills. 

The idea is simple: build an elaborate maze of ramps, tunnels, and tracks for marbles to race down. 

But trust me, once they start building, it’ll quickly turn into a STEM masterpiece worthy of an engineering degree.

The great thing about this set is that it encourages kids to think critically about how to design the perfect marble run—while you sit back and watch, secretly proud that your child might be the next great architect. 

Just make sure to wear shoes at all times because, let’s be real, stepping on a rogue marble is just one of those parenting hazards no one warns you about.

Custom Sneakers

18 Christmas Gift Ideas for Kids Who Have Everything

Now, if you’ve got a little trendsetter on your hands, it’s time to bring out the Custom Sneakers

Kids love showing off their unique style, and what better way to do that than with shoes they’ve designed themselves? 

Whether you go for a pair that lets them pick the colors or one they can color on with fabric markers, this is a gift that’s as fun as it is wearable.

Let them unleash their inner fashion designer and create a one-of-a-kind pair of kicks that’ll have them strutting down the school hallways like they’re walking a runway. 

Just be prepared to hear them say, “These are custom,” with more swagger than a professional sneakerhead. And honestly, who can blame them?