
34 Coffee Trivia Questions

You need this thing to start your day fresh, but how well do you know about its culture, history and quirks?

Whether you’re an early riser in need of your morning brew or a late-night connoisseur savoring every sip, join us as we explore the delightful world of coffee trivia. 

From the origins of your favorite roast to the surprising health benefits lurking within your cup, let’s dive into a caffeinated adventure that’s sure to leave you buzzing with excitement! 

Let’s begin. 

Coffee Trivia Questions

  1. What year was coffee believed to have been discovered, and in which country does this origin story take place?

  2. What are the two most commercially important species of coffee plants, and how do their tastes differ?

  3. Which country is the largest producer of coffee in the world as of the early 21st century, and what significant portion of the global coffee market do they supply?

  4. What is the process called that involves removing the coffee seed from the fruit and preparing it for drying, and what are the main methods used?

  5. Who opened the first recorded coffee house in Europe, in which city and in what year?

  6. Describe the journey of coffee to Europe: which country first brought it, in which century, and how did it spread to become popular across the continent?

  7. What is the term for an espresso with a splash of milk or foam on top, and what does the term literally translate to in English?

  8. What chemical compound in coffee is primarily responsible for its stimulating effect, and what are some of its impacts on the human body?

  9. Which famous composer was known to be a great lover of coffee, even writing a cantata about it?

  10. In terms of environmental impact, what is one of the major concerns regarding coffee cultivation, particularly in relation to biodiversity?

  11. What historic coffee brewing method involves using a long-handled pot and fine coffee grounds, often associated with Middle Eastern coffee culture?

  12. What is the name of the scale used to measure the darkness of the roast of coffee beans, and who developed it?

  13. In what country and city was the first espresso machine patented, and in what year?

  14. What is the name given to the fear of running out of coffee, a term that has become more popular in online coffee communities?

  15. What country is known for a unique traditional coffee ceremony that includes roasting, grinding, and brewing coffee in a single session?

  16. Which coffee drink consists of equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foam, and what is its origin?

  17. What innovative coffee farming technique involves shade-growing coffee under the canopy of trees, and what are its environmental benefits?

  18. How does the altitude at which coffee is grown affect its flavor profile?

  19. What is the phenomenon known as “cupping,” and who typically performs it?

  20. Which U.S. state is the only one that commercially grows coffee, and what is the name of the coffee grown there?

  21. What are coffee beans actually classified as in botanical terms, and why?

  22. During which historical period did coffee houses in London become known as “penny universities,” and why were they called this?

  23. What process does a coffee bean undergo that significantly impacts its flavor profile, involving microbial fermentation?

  24. Identify the coffee preparation method that uses a metal or paper filter, hot water, and gravity to brew the coffee, common in American households.

  25. What is the name of the international coffee agreement that aimed to stabilize global coffee prices through export quotas, and when was it first established?

  26. Which city is credited with developing the flat white coffee, and what distinguishes it from a latte?

  27. What is the term for the layer of creamy foam on top of a well-made espresso shot, and what compounds create this foam?

  28. In coffee tasting, what term describes the mouthfeel of a coffee that feels smooth and velvety on the palate?

  29. What major event in the 19th century significantly affected coffee production in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), leading to a shift towards tea cultivation?

  30. Which country invented the Moka pot, a popular stovetop espresso maker, and who was the inventor?

  31. What phenomenon, driven by climate change, poses a significant threat to global coffee production, particularly affecting Arabica beans?

  32. Which coffee varietal is known for its exceptional quality and distinct flavor profile, often associated with Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee?

  33. What is the name given to a coffee drink that includes a shot of espresso poured over a scoop of vanilla ice cream?

  34. What is the process known as “green coffee extraction,” and what is its primary application in the food and beverage industry?


  1. Coffee is believed to have been discovered in the 9th century in Ethiopia.

  2. The two most commercially important species are Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora (commonly known as Robusta). Arabica is sweeter and more flavorful, while Robusta is stronger, more bitter, and contains more caffeine.

  3. Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world, supplying about one-third of the global coffee market.

  4. This process is known as “processing,” and the main methods are wet (or washed), dry (or natural), and honey (or semi-washed).

  5. The first recorded coffee house in Europe was opened by Pasqua Rosée in Venice, Italy, in 1645.

  6. Coffee was first brought to Europe by the Ottoman Turks in the 16th century, spreading across the continent and becoming popular in cities like Venice, Paris, and London.

  7. This drink is called a “macchiato,” which literally translates to “stained” or “spotted” in English.

  8. Caffeine is the chemical compound primarily responsible for coffee’s stimulating effect. It can increase alertness, improve mood, and enhance physical performance.

  9. Johann Sebastian Bach was known to be a great lover of coffee and even wrote the “Coffee Cantata” about it.

  10. One of the major environmental concerns regarding coffee cultivation is deforestation, which leads to a loss of habitat for many species and decreases biodiversity.

  11. The method is called Turkish coffee brewing, utilizing an ibrik or cezve.

  12. The Agtron scale measures the darkness of coffee roasts, developed by Agtron Inc.

  13. The first espresso machine was patented in Turin, Italy, by Angelo Moriondo in 1884.

  14. The term is “anxiété de café” (though not officially recognized in clinical psychology, it’s a playful term used among coffee enthusiasts).

  15. Ethiopia is known for its traditional coffee ceremony.

  16. A Cappuccino is the drink made with equal parts of espresso, steamed milk, and foam, originating from Italy.

  17. Shade-grown coffee farming is the technique, which helps in preserving natural ecosystems, protecting wildlife, and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers.

  18. Higher altitude coffee tends to have a more complex and acidic flavor profile due to slower bean development in cooler temperatures.

  19. Cupping is a tasting method used by coffee professionals to evaluate coffee aroma and flavor profile.

  20. Hawaii is the U.S. state that commercially grows coffee, known for its Kona coffee.

  21. Coffee beans are actually the seeds of the coffee fruit (often referred to as cherries). They are called beans due to their resemblance to true beans.

  22. In the 17th and 18th centuries, coffee houses were called “penny universities” in London because for the price of a penny, one could get a cup of coffee and engage in stimulating conversation with others, effectively gaining an education.

  23. This process is known as “fermentation.” It can occur naturally in the fruit or be controlled in tanks and significantly affects the coffee’s acidity, sweetness, and overall flavor.

  24. The method is known as “drip brewing” or “filter coffee.”

  25. The International Coffee Agreement (ICA) was first established in 1962 to stabilize global coffee prices by regulating export quotas.

  26. The flat white is credited to both Australia and New Zealand, and it is distinguished from a latte by its microfoam (velvety milk) layer, which is thinner and leads to a stronger coffee flavor.

  27. The layer is called “crema,” created by the emulsion of coffee oils and brewed coffee’s soluble compounds.

  28. The term is “body,” and a coffee with a smooth and velvety mouthfeel is often described as having a “full body.”

  29. The coffee rust disease outbreak in the 1860s devastated the coffee plantations in Ceylon, leading many planters to switch to tea cultivation.

  30. The Moka pot was invented in Italy by Luigi De Ponti for Alfonso Bialetti in 1933.

  31. Climate change threatens coffee production through increased temperatures, erratic rainfall patterns, and the spread of pests and diseases, all of which can reduce yield and quality, especially for Arabica coffee.

  32. Typica is a coffee varietal known for its high quality and distinct flavor, often associated with premium coffees like Jamaican Blue Mountain.

  33. This dessert coffee is known as “Affogato.”

  34. Green coffee extraction involves removing beneficial compounds from unroasted coffee beans. It’s primarily used in the health and wellness industry to produce green coffee extract, which is touted for its potential weight loss and antioxidant properties.
Coffee Trivia Questions