22 Father’s Day Gift Ideas From Kids
Alright, let’s talk about Father’s Day.
As a kid, you’re probably wondering, “What do you get for the guy who already has everything…including a drawer full of novelty ties and an uncanny ability to ‘accidentally’ break your gadgets?”
Well, don’t panic—I’m here to help you level up your gift game before Dad starts thinking his Father’s Day luck has run out.
Let’s be honest, the bar isn’t that high.
Dads are the ultimate low-maintenance gift receivers. Give them a rock and call it a paperweight, and they’ll act like you handed them a Fabergé egg. But why stop there?
This year, we’re going beyond mugs that say “World’s Okayest Dad” and digging into some creative, hilarious, and heartfelt ideas straight from a kid’s point of view.
Let’s make Dad smile, laugh, and maybe even cry (happy tears, obviously).
Let’s dive in before the mall gift card becomes Plan A… again.

Father’s Day Gift Ideas From Kids
1. The Handprint Art Extravaganza
You know the one—paint-covered little hands pressed onto paper, proclaiming their love for you in bold, smudgy glory.
Last year, my youngest gave me a handprint painting of a tree. Sweet, right? Except they used my shirtsleeve as the canvas before moving on to the actual paper. The end result? A delightful art piece for the fridge and a new chore for me: scrubbing acrylic paint out of cotton.
Still, it’s impossible not to melt a little when you see their tiny hands frozen in time. Bonus: it’s the perfect way to guilt them into doing chores when they’re teenagers. “Remember how much you loved me in preschool? Where’s that energy now?”
2. The DIY Coupon Book

Ah, the classic “coupons for Dad.” Free hugs. One chore-free day. Breakfast in bed. You name it, they promise it.
My middle child once handed me a coupon for “One Free Car Wash.” I was thrilled until I found him wielding the garden hose like a battle weapon and attempting to scrub the car with a kitchen sponge. It was less of a wash and more of an exterior sanding. Still, it’s the thought that counts, right? (And thank goodness for wax.)
3. World’s Worst Breakfast in Bed
If there’s one thing dads love, it’s a tray of lukewarm chaos first thing in the morning. I’ve been served everything from cereal in orange juice (pro tip: not delicious) to toast so burnt it doubled as a self-defense tool.
But you know what? Watching your kids stumble into the bedroom, balancing a tray and beaming with pride, is worth every crunchy bite of that questionable scrambled egg. Plus, it’s a great excuse to order pizza by noon because “I’m too full to cook lunch, kids.”
4. The Mystery Craft
Have you ever received a gift and thought, “Is this a paperweight? A sculpture? An alien artifact?” That’s the beauty of mystery crafts.
Two years ago, my eldest gifted me something made of pipe cleaners, googly eyes, and glitter. To this day, I have no idea what it is. But it’s prominently displayed on my desk because every time I glance at it, I’m reminded of the hours they spent creating it. Also, glitter is forever, and I’ve resigned myself to living in sparkly chaos.
5. The “I Tried to Build This” Project

Sometimes, kids really go for it. They grab tools, wood, and duct tape, determined to build Dad something impressive.
Last year, my kids teamed up to build me a birdhouse. The effort was commendable, but the execution? Well, let’s just say the local birds filed a formal complaint. The roof was lopsided, the perch was missing, and they accidentally nailed it to the deck railing instead of a tree. But hey, it’s the thought that counts—and I’ve never seen a squirrel laugh before that day.
6. Custom Dad Jokes Book
This might be one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received. My kids compiled a homemade joke book filled with puns, riddles, and punchlines they either found online or made up themselves.
- Kid: What do you call a dad who falls through the ceiling?
- Me: What?
- Kid: A floor-dad!
Sure, it was cheesy, but it was also hilarious. Plus, I now have fresh material to torture them with on road trips. Revenge is sweet.
7. Personalized T-Shirts
Every dad has received a custom T-shirt at some point. My personal favorite was one that read, “My Dad Is a Hero (Even When He’s Napping).”
Of course, wearing it in public felt like announcing to strangers, “I’m exhausted but lovable.” It’s the ultimate dad uniform for Saturday mornings at the hardware store or awkward school drop-offs. Extra points if the shirt features poorly drawn stick figures of the family.
8. The “You’ll Totally Use This!” Gadget

Kids love gadgets. They’ll buy (or make) something they’re convinced you need, like a duct-taped “phone stand” or a homemade “cord organizer.”
One year, my son crafted me a “universal remote holder” using cardboard and popsicle sticks. It didn’t hold the remote so much as swallow it whole, but I appreciated the innovation. And when the remote went missing, guess who was first in line to fix it? Teamwork, folks.
9. A Day Together Doing “Dad Stuff”
This one’s a crowd-pleaser. “Dad, today we’ll do whatever you love!” Translation: “We’re going to pretend we enjoy golf, grilling, or fixing the lawnmower.”
Last Father’s Day, my kids offered to help me wash the car (yes, another attempt) and mow the lawn. They spent more time spraying each other than the car and mowed a zigzag pattern that made the yard look like a crop circle. But honestly? It was the best. Who needs a perfectly manicured lawn when you’ve got belly laughs and a hose fight?
10. The Heartfelt Card
When all else fails, kids pour their little hearts out into a homemade card.
I’ve received cards with everything from glitter explosions to stick figures of me holding hands with the dog (they forgot Mom that year—awkward). But my favorite was one where my youngest wrote:
- “Dear Dad, you are the best dad ever, even when you don’t let me eat dessert before dinner. I love you anyway.”
If that doesn’t sum up fatherhood, I don’t know what does.
11. The “Totally Useful” Handmade Tool

Kids love the idea of tools—they know dads cherish them like treasure. So what do they do? They make their own.
One year, my kid proudly handed me a “hammer” made out of cardboard, glue, and about a gallon of optimism. Did it work? Absolutely not. Did I “fix” a squeaky cabinet hinge with it while they watched? You bet I did.
12. The Slideshow of Love
Tech-savvy kids sometimes step up their game and create digital gifts. My eldest once put together a slideshow of photos titled, “Why Dad Is the Best.” Heartwarming, right? Except half the pictures were me asleep on the couch, mid-yawn, or making weird faces while barbecuing.
Still, it was sweet. And now I’m painfully aware that my kids think “dad mode” equals “unintentionally funny face.”
13. The Mysterious Food Experiment
Kids are fearless in the kitchen, which is both endearing and terrifying. One Father’s Day, my crew decided to bake me a cake. They got creative, adding gummy bears, pretzels, and—brace yourself—pickle slices.
When I hesitated to take a bite, my youngest said, “Don’t worry, we didn’t put too much ketchup in it.” Reader, I ate it.
14. The “I Found This for You!” Treasure

Kids are natural scavengers, which is how I once ended up with a random rock painted to look like a football. “Dad, it’s a lucky rock! Keep it forever!” It now lives in my sock drawer, where I accidentally stub my toe on it monthly.
15. The Dad Crown
One year, my kids declared me “King Dad” and made me a crown out of construction paper and stickers. They insisted I wear it all day, even to the grocery store.
Do you know how hard it is to buy milk while strangers nod at you and mutter, “Nice crown, dude”? Answer: harder than you think. But hey, royalty has its perks.
16. The Unintentional Roast Poem
Kids love writing poems, and while their intentions are pure, the results can sometimes feel…pointed.
One memorable stanza from a Father’s Day poem I received:
- “My dad is so great, he’s super tall.
He always helps me, even when he trips and falls!”
Thanks, buddy. Nothing screams “hero” like being reminded of that time I faceplanted while raking leaves.
17. The Random Object That “Reminded Me of You”

Kids have this uncanny ability to assign sentimental value to the weirdest things. One year, my daughter handed me an old shoelace and said, “I found this at school—it reminded me of you because it’s strong, like you!”
I have no idea what kind of metaphorical gymnastics she was doing, but the shoelace is now in my sock drawer next to the lucky rock.
18. The “I’ll Play Your Video Game” Gift
When my kids realized I liked video games, they decided their gift would be playing with me. Cute, right? Except their “help” involved walking my character off cliffs, spamming buttons, and asking, “Are you losing because you’re old?”
We didn’t finish the game, but I did win a “Most Patient Dad” award in my head that day.
19. The Backyard Obstacle Course
This was a group effort: the kids built an “amazing” obstacle course in the backyard, which they insisted I run through. Picture me army-crawling under pool noodles and leaping over overturned buckets.
It wasn’t exactly American Ninja Warrior, but it ended with them dumping a bucket of water on my head, so I guess I’m the champ?
20. The “Improved” Photo Frame

You know those cheap wooden frames kids decorate?
Well, one year, my kids “enhanced” theirs by gluing an alarming number of pom-poms, buttons, and googly eyes onto it.
The result? A frame so bulky it can’t stand upright. It’s now wall-mounted—an abstract art piece in our living room.
21. The “Your Favorite Movie” Gift
My kids once decided we’d spend Father’s Day watching my favorite movie. Sounds amazing, right? Except they spent the entire time asking questions like:
- “Who’s that?”
- “Why is he doing that?”
- “Is this over soon? This movie’s old.”
We made it 30 minutes in before switching to Frozen.
22. The “I Love You, But Also Here’s Feedback” Letter

Kids are nothing if not honest. One year, my daughter wrote me a heartfelt letter that ended with this gem:
- “I love you so much, even though you don’t always let us watch TV and sometimes your jokes are boring.”
Criticism aside, it’s framed on my desk as a reminder of two things:
- My jokes are elite.
- Kids have no filter.
So, which among these did you like the most?
Do let me know.