
32 Father’s Day Trivia Questions

Father’s Day is a special occasion when we celebrate and honor the remarkable fathers, grandfathers, and father figures in our lives. 

To add some fun to your celebration, let’s dive into interesting Father’s Day trivia questions and answers. 

How well do you know this day? 

Let’s find out! 

Father’s Day Trivia Questions

  1. What is the name of the woman credited with founding Father’s Day in the United States, and in what year did the first known Father’s Day celebration occur?

  2. Which U.S. President first recognized Father’s Day as a national holiday, and in what year?

  3. Name three countries that celebrate Father’s Day on dates different from the U.S., and specify the dates they observe this holiday.

  4. In Germany, Father’s Day is known by a different name and involves men pulling wagons filled with what?

  5. Which famous American author once said, “It is a wise father that knows his own child,” and in which play does this quote appear?

  6. What is the estimated number of fathers across the United States?

  7. Describe a unique Father’s Day tradition from Thailand, including what is customarily given to fathers on this day.

  8. In what country is the rose a traditional symbol of Father’s Day, and what do the different colors of roses signify?

  9. Name a classic film that explores the themes of fatherhood and its complexities, released before 1990.

  10. Who is considered the “father of many nations” in religious texts, and name at least three religions that revere this figure?

  11. Which country officially celebrates Father’s Day for the first time in 2024, marking a significant shift in its cultural observance of family-related holidays?

  12. What unique gift is traditionally given to fathers in Argentina to celebrate their version of Father’s Day, and why is it significant?

  13. In the context of Father’s Day, what record does the city of New York hold concerning a yearly event that honors fathers?

  14. Can you name a Nobel Prize-winning author who wrote extensively about father-son relationships, including a mention of one of his notable works?

  15. What ancient civilization is believed to have had a festival that could be considered a precursor to modern Father’s Day celebrations, and what was the nature of this festival?

  16. How does the Scandinavian tradition of Father’s Day (Fars Dag) differ in its celebration compared to the United States, especially regarding gifts and activities?

  17. What is the most popular Father’s Day gift in the United Kingdom, according to sales data from the past decade?

  18. Which U.S. state was the first to officially declare Father’s Day a state holiday, and in what year did this occur?

  19. Describe a traditional Father’s Day meal in Mexico and why it is significant to their cultural celebration of fathers.

  20. What is the symbolic flower of Father’s Day in France, and what does it represent?

  21. In which country is Father’s Day known as “Baba Diwas,” and what are some of the traditional ways it is celebrated there?

  22. What was the original proposed date for Father’s Day by Sonora Smart Dodd, and why was it changed to the third Sunday in June?

  23. What unique Father’s Day tradition is observed in Russia, relating to its military history?

  24. Identify a famous piece of literature that focuses on the complexities of fatherhood and redemption, written by a Russian author.

  25. In what year did the International Father’s Day Committee honor a U.S. President with the title “Father of the Year,” and who was the president?

  26. Which South American country has a tradition of honoring not only fathers but also godfathers on Father’s Day, and what is this day called?

  27. What is the official flower of Father’s Day in Japan, and what does it symbolize in their culture?

  28. How do Filipinos typically celebrate Father’s Day, emphasizing community and familial bonds?

  29. In which country is Father’s Day called “Dag van de Vader,” and what is a common gift given on this day?

  30. Can you name an ancient Greek philosopher who discussed the virtues of fatherhood in his works, and cite one of the texts?

  31. What popular U.S. television show aired a special Father’s Day episode in 1984, highlighting the importance of paternal figures in American society?

  32. How does the tradition of Father’s Day in South Korea differ from that in the United States, particularly in terms of public celebration and family dynamics?


  1. Sonora Smart Dodd is credited with founding Father’s Day in the United States, with the first celebration occurring in Spokane, Washington, in 1910.

  2. President Richard Nixon recognized Father’s Day as a national holiday in 1972.

  3. Australia celebrates Father’s Day on the first Sunday in September, Italy celebrates it on March 19th, and Brazil observes it on the second Sunday of August.

  4. In Germany, Father’s Day is known as Vatertag or Männertag, and men traditionally pull wagons filled with beer and regional food into the woods.

  5. William Shakespeare made this statement in “The Merchant of Venice.”

  6. There were an estimated 72 million fathers across the United States.

  7. In Thailand, Father’s Day is celebrated on December 5th, the birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, and fathers are traditionally given a Canna flower.

  8. In Germany, a red rose worn on the lapel signifies a living father, while a white rose signifies a deceased father.

  9. “The Godfather” (1972) is a classic film that explores the themes of fatherhood and its complexities.

  10. Abraham is considered the “father of many nations” in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

  11. No country has been officially announced to celebrate Father’s Day for the first time in 2024. This question is hypothetical.

  12. In Argentina, fathers are traditionally given leather goods as gifts on Father’s Day, signifying durability and the strength of the paternal bond.

  13. New York City hosts the largest Father’s Day celebration with its annual Father’s Day Parade, a tradition since the early 20th century.

  14. Nobel Prize-winning author Ernest Hemingway wrote extensively about father-son relationships, notably in his work “The Old Man and the Sea.”

  15. The ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia can be considered a precursor to Father’s Day, where families celebrated with a feast and gift-giving in honor of Saturn, the god of agriculture and harvest.

  16. In Scandinavia, Father’s Day involves children giving their fathers handmade cards and gifts, and the day is more focused on family activities rather than commercial gifts.

  17. The most popular Father’s Day gift in the United Kingdom is a tie, according to sales data.

  18. Washington State was the first to officially declare Father’s Day a state holiday, in 1910.

  19. A traditional Father’s Day meal in Mexico often includes barbacoa or carne asada, reflecting the significance of family gatherings and feasting in their culture.

  20. In France, the symbolic flower for Father’s Day is the rose, specifically the red rose, representing love and respect for living fathers.

  21. In India, Father’s Day is referred to as “Baba Diwas” in some regions, celebrated with family gatherings, and children often present their fathers with cards, gifts, and flowers.

  22. Sonora Smart Dodd originally proposed celebrating Father’s Day on June 5th, her father’s birthday, but it was moved to the third Sunday in June due to scheduling conflicts with local churches.

  23. Russia observes “Defender of the Fatherland Day” on February 23, which, while not exclusively Father’s Day, honors men and fathers who have served in the Russian Armed Forces.

  24. “The Brothers Karamazov” by Fyodor Dostoevsky delves into the themes of fatherhood, moral responsibility, and faith.

  25. In 1969, President Richard Nixon was honored as “Father of the Year” by the International Father’s Day Committee.

  26. In Brazil, Father’s Day, called “Dia dos Pais,” also honors godfathers, celebrated on the second Sunday of August.

  27. The official flower of Father’s Day in Japan is the yellow rose, symbolizing respect and admiration.

  28. Filipinos celebrate Father’s Day with large family gatherings, including special meals, church services, and, for those who can afford it, gifts.

  29. In Belgium, Father’s Day is called “Dag van de Vader,” and a common gift is chocolates or a handmade item from their children.

  30. Aristotle discussed the virtues of fatherhood in several of his works, notably in “Nicomachean Ethics,” where he explores the concept of virtue and the good life.

  31. “The Cosby Show” aired a special Father’s Day episode in 1984, celebrating the role of fathers in the family and society.

  32. In South Korea, Father’s Day is often combined with Mother’s Day on “Parents’ Day” (May 8), focusing on honoring both parents together with flowers, gifts, and family gatherings, rather than separate celebrations for each parent.

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