30 Forrest Gump Trivia Questions
Forrest Gump is a beloved classic film that’s nothing short of a cult status. This heartwarming story of a man with a low IQ who achieves incredible success and adventures has left a lasting impression on all those who want to achieve something big in life.
If you’re a fan of Forrest Gump or simply want to test your knowledge, we’ve put together a set of trivia questions to challenge your memory.
Let’s see how well you know Run, Forrest, Run!
Forrest Gump Trivia Questions
- What is the name of the boat Forrest buys and dedicates to his fallen friend in Vietnam?
- Forrest Gump starts his epic run across the United States after his mother’s death. How many times does he crisscross the country?
- Jenny introduces Forrest to a particular lifestyle while they are in Washington D.C. What kind of lifestyle is it?
- Forrest Gump receives a sponsorship deal for using a certain product while playing ping-pong. What is the product?
- In one of his letters to Jenny, Forrest describes a famous musician he met who stayed in their hotel. Who is this musician?
- What specific type of shrimp dish does Bubba NOT mention in his list of shrimp dishes?
- Forrest’s speech at the Vietnam rally in Washington D.C. gets muted by a technical mishap. What does he actually say during this muted portion, as revealed by the actor Tom Hanks in interviews?
- Forrest Gump has a habit of saying a particular phrase whenever he introduces himself. What is the full phrase?
- Lieutenant Dan makes a New Year’s resolution that involves a future business venture with Forrest. What is the resolution?
- What is the name of the book Forrest writes about his running experience across America?
- During his ping-pong matches, Forrest Gump uses a particular technique that baffles his opponents. What is it?
- Forrest receives a letter from Apple Computer Inc., thanking him for his investment. What is the unique way Forrest describes this investment to others?
- Forrest’s running attire becomes iconic. What color are the shorts he wears during his cross-country run?
- What is the name of the hurricane that destroys the shrimping boats in Bayou La Batre, except for Forrest’s?
- At the New Year’s Eve celebration in 1972, Forrest and Lieutenant Dan meet a group of performers. What is the name of the band?
- How does Forrest assist in the Watergate scandal discovery?
- Forrest Gump starts a successful business with Lieutenant Dan. What is the name of their company?
- During Forrest’s run, he inspires a bumper sticker and a t-shirt slogan. What are they?
- What gift does Forrest give to Bubba’s mother after he starts the shrimping business?
- Forrest meets three U.S. Presidents in the movie. Name one event that leads to him meeting each president.
- Forrest Gump mentions he was named after a relative associated with a certain historical period. Who is this relative and what is his connection to history?
- During Forrest’s cross-country run, he gives advice to a man struggling with a T-shirt business. What specific advice does Forrest inadvertently give that leads to a popular T-shirt design?
- Forrest Gump’s mother has a specific saying about life. What is it?
- Which famous American football coach recruits Forrest to play for the University of Alabama?
- Forrest encounters a group of people on his run who are protesting. What are they protesting against?
- What is the first job Forrest takes after graduating from college?
- Forrest and Jenny reunite during a heavy rainstorm. What is Jenny doing when Forrest finds her?
- Forrest makes a significant donation to a church and a hospital. What is the hospital’s specialization?
- What game does Forrest play with President Kennedy at the White House?
- After returning from his run, Forrest sees his house has become a tourist attraction. What specific item do tourists frequently steal as a souvenir?
- Jenny.
- He crisscrosses the country 3 times.
- The Anti-War (Vietnam War Protest) lifestyle.
- Ping-pong paddles (sponsored by the company that makes them).
- Elvis Presley.
- He does not mention shrimp sushi.
- “Sometimes when people go to Vietnam, they go home to their mommas without any legs. Sometimes they don’t go home at all. That’s a bad thing. That’s all I have to say about that.”
- “My name is Forrest Gump. People call me Forrest Gump.”
- To go into the shrimping business with Forrest.
- “Gump & Co.”
- He plays without ever missing a ball, essentially playing defensively until his opponents make a mistake.
- “Some kind of fruit company.”
- Red.
- Hurricane Carmen.
- The Doors (although this is a fictional portrayal as The Doors did not actually perform at this event in the movie).
- He reports suspicious lights in the Watergate complex while staying in the hotel across the street.
- Bubba Gump Shrimp Company.
- The bumper sticker says “Shit Happens,” and the t-shirt has a smiley face with the words “Have a Nice Day.”
- He gives her a check, making her financially independent and able to quit her job as a housemaid.
- Meeting President Kennedy after being named an All-American (football), President Johnson for receiving the Medal of Honor (Vietnam), and President Nixon for being a member of the All-American ping-pong team.
- He was named after Nathan Bedford Forrest, a founder of the Ku Klux Klan, which his mother says is about “remembering your roots.”
- While running, Forrest steps in dog poop, and when the T-shirt business owner complains about stepping in it too, Forrest replies, “It happens,” leading to the creation of the “Shit Happens” T-shirt.
- “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”
- Bear Bryant.
- They are protesting the Vietnam War.
- He works as a groundskeeper, mowing the grass of a football field.
- She is playing guitar in a strip club.
- It specializes in veteran care, specifically for those who lost limbs in war.
- There is no scene where Forrest plays a game with President Kennedy; he simply meets him to be honored for his All-American football achievements, saying, “I gotta pee” due to drinking too many Dr. Peppers.
- Signs that say “Run, Forrest, Run” and “Stop, Forrest, Stop.”