100 Funny Jokes For Your Crush (Includes Flirty, Knock Knock, Corny and Good Morning Puns)

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people, and what better way to win your crush’s heart than with a well-timed joke? 

Whether you’re looking to break the ice, add some playful banter to your conversations, or simply make them smile first thing in the morning, you’ve come to the right place! 

We’ve curated some of the funniest, flirtiest, and downright corniest jokes to charm your way into their heart. 

From cheeky puns to knock-knock classics, these jokes are the perfect way to show off your sense of humor and make your crush fall for you—one giggle at a time

Get ready to LOL your way to romance!

Jokes For Your Crush [Our Top Picks]

“Why did the taco visit its crush? It couldn’t resist the spice of life!

“Why do you never play hide and seek with mountains? Because they always peak!

“Are you Thor? Because every time I see you, my heart hammers!

“Are you a Horcrux? Because you’ve got a piece of my heart.

“What did the coffee say to its crush? You mocha me crazy!

“Are you a Wi-Fi signal? Because I’m feeling a strong connection.

100 Funny Jokes For Your Crush (Includes Flirty, Knock Knock, Corny and Good Morning Puns)

“What do you call a dog magician? A labracadabrador!

“If I were to ask you out, would your answer be the same as the answer to this question?

“Why did the mountains break up? They couldn’t handle the altitude of their relationship!

“Are you an artist? Because every time I look at you, I see a masterpiece.

“What do snowmen call their crushes? Ice-cicles!

“Why did the banana go out with the prune? Because it couldn’t find a date!

100 Funny Jokes For Your Crush (Includes Flirty, Knock Knock, Corny and Good Morning Puns)

“Are you a 45-degree angle? Because you’re acute-y!

“Are you a star? Because your light brightens up my darkest nights.

“Why did the cat sit on the computer? It wanted to keep an eye on the mouse!

“Are you the sun? Because my world revolves around you!

“What did the ice cream say to the love-struck cone? You make me melt!

“If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute little carrot I’d always pick!

“Are you gravity? Because you’ve got a pull I can’t resist!

“Why did the chef break up with the oven? It just wasn’t heating up their relationship anymore.

100 Funny Jokes For Your Crush (Includes Flirty, Knock Knock, Corny and Good Morning Puns)

Knock Knock Jokes For Your Crush

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Melody.
Crush: Melody who?
You: Melody you know how much I love spending time with you?

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Flash.
Crush: Flash who?
You: Flash you know, every moment with you is picture-perfect!

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Goal.
Crush: Goal who?
You: Goal all the way to my heart!

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Cocoa.
Crush: Cocoa who?
You: Cocoa out with me and let’s make it a sweet day!

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Sushi.
Crush: Sushi who?
You: Sushi you know you’re the one I’ve been waiting for?

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Scoop.
Crush: Scoop who?
You: Scoop closer so I can tell you how much you mean to me!

100 Funny Jokes For Your Crush (Includes Flirty, Knock Knock, Corny and Good Morning Puns)

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Angel.
Crush: Angel who?
You: Angel like you makes my life heavenly!

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Glow.
Crush: Glow who?
You: Glow on and keep smiling, because it lights up my world!

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Brainy.
Crush: Brainy who?
You: Brainy day or not, I’m always impressed by you!

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Destiny.
Crush: Destiny who?
You: Destiny brought us together, and I’m so glad it did!

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Binge.
Crush: Binge who?
You: Binge-watching with you is my favorite thing to do!

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Kitty.
Crush: Kitty who?
You: Kitty me, you’re purr-fect!

100 Funny Jokes For Your Crush (Includes Flirty, Knock Knock, Corny and Good Morning Puns)

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Paws.
Crush: Paws who?
You: Paws for a moment and let me tell you how awesome you are!

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Hopper.
Crush: Hopper who?
You: Hopper to it, because I can’t wait to see you!

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Rose.
Crush: Rose who?
You: Rose to the occasion to tell you I love you!

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Star.
Crush: Star who?
You: Star-struck by your beauty every day!

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Beat.
Crush: Beat who?
You: Beat of my heart, and it’s all for you!

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Lettuce.
Crush: Lettuce who?
You: Lettuce have a date, I promise it’ll be fun!

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Olive.
Crush: Olive who?
You: Olive you and I can’t hide it!

You: Knock, knock.
Crush: Who’s there?
You: Berry.
Crush: Berry who?
You: Berry happy to have you in my life!

100 Funny Jokes For Your Crush (Includes Flirty, Knock Knock, Corny and Good Morning Puns)

Flirty Jokes For Your Crush

Are you a rose? Because you’ve added color to my world.

You must be a cat, because I can’t stop purring every time you’re near.

Are you a song? Because every time I see you, I get stuck in your rhythm.

Your smile must be magic because it makes everything around you shine.

You must be a constellation because every moment with you is stellar.

Are you a photograph? Because I can’t stop capturing your beauty in my mind.

100 Funny Jokes For Your Crush (Includes Flirty, Knock Knock, Corny and Good Morning Puns)

Do you love sushi? Because I’ve been soy into you!

Are you a bunny? Because I hop into happiness with you.

Is your mind a puzzle? Because I’m drawn to every piece of it.

Are you lettuce? Because I can’t leaf you alone.

You must be a truffle because you’re sweet on the inside and irresistible on the outside.

Remember our first meeting? I swear I felt the earth shake because you rocked my world.

Are you a heartbeat? Because you give life to my world.

Is your name Romaine? Because you’ve romained in my heart.

Are you an ice cream cone? Because you make my heart melt.

100 Funny Jokes For Your Crush (Includes Flirty, Knock Knock, Corny and Good Morning Puns)

You must have a mirror in your pocket because I see myself in your smile.

Are you a chocolate bar? Because I’m cocoa-nuts about you.

Are you a genius? Because you make my heart and mind race.

If we were in a TV show, you’d be my favorite episode every time.

Are you a berry? Because you’ve made my heart a little sweeter.

100 Funny Jokes For Your Crush (Includes Flirty, Knock Knock, Corny and Good Morning Puns)

Corny Jokes For Your Crush

Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes.

Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears.

Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.

Is your name Google? Because you have everything I’ve been searching for.

Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?

If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber!

100 Funny Jokes For Your Crush (Includes Flirty, Knock Knock, Corny and Good Morning Puns)

Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.

Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot?

If you were a fruit, you’d be a fine-apple!

Can you lend me a kiss? I promise I’ll give it back.

Is your name Wi-Fi? Because I’m feeling a connection.

Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you’re Cu-Te.

Do you have an eraser? Because I can’t get you out of my mind.

100 Funny Jokes For Your Crush (Includes Flirty, Knock Knock, Corny and Good Morning Puns)

Are you a time traveler? Because I see you in my future.

Is your dad a baker? Because you’re a cutie pie!

Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten I see.

Do you like Star Wars? Because Yoda one for me!

If you were words on a page, you’d be fine print.

Are you a snowstorm? Because you’re making my heart race.

Do you have a name, or can I call you mine?

100 Funny Jokes For Your Crush (Includes Flirty, Knock Knock, Corny and Good Morning Puns)

Good Morning Jokes For Your Crush

Good morning! Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes.

Do you know why the sun rises every morning? To see your beautiful smile.

Are you a cup of coffee? Because you make my mornings brighter and my heart race.

Why did I bring a ladder to the café this morning? To reach the heights of your charm!

Good morning! Are you a magician? Because every time I look at you, everyone else disappears.

100 Funny Jokes For Your Crush (Includes Flirty, Knock Knock, Corny and Good Morning Puns)

If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber. Good morning, cutie!

Is your name Google? Because you have everything I’ve been searching for.

Why do I smile every morning? Because I wake up thinking of you.

Good morning! Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you’re Cu-Te!

Is your name Wi-Fi? Because I’m feeling a connection.

Do you know why mornings are my favorite? Because I get to start them with thoughts of you.

100 Funny Jokes For Your Crush (Includes Flirty, Knock Knock, Corny and Good Morning Puns)

Good morning! Are you an angel? Because heaven is missing one.

If kisses were snowflakes, I’d send you a blizzard every morning. Have a lovely day!

Good morning! Did it hurt? When you fell from the vending machine? Because you’re a snack!

Are you a sunrise? Because you brighten up my day from the very start.

Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you this morning.

Why do I need an alarm clock when I have thoughts of you waking me up? Good morning, sweetheart!

Are you the moon? Because even in my dreams, you light up my night.

Good morning! If beauty were a time, you’d be an eternity. And my mornings are eternal with you on my mind.

Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot? Good morning, sunshine!

100 Funny Jokes For Your Crush (Includes Flirty, Knock Knock, Corny and Good Morning Puns)