105 Funny Trivia Questions and Answers

Trivia can sometimes be more than just a test of knowledge – it can be a source of laughter and amusement! 

So why don’t discover some fun trivia questions, designed to tickle your funny bone while challenging your brain. 

Whether you are hosting a game night, looking to liven up a party, or just seeking a few chuckles with friends, these quirky and hilarious questions are perfect for breaking the ice and injecting some joy into any gathering. 

Let’s begin. 

Funny Trivia Questions

  1. In the 1930s, Australia famously declared war on which flightless bird, leading to a surprising and somewhat embarrassing defeat for the humans involved?

  2. Which U.S. President notoriously got stuck in the White House bathtub, prompting the installation of a larger one?

  3. What peculiar post-mortem adventure did Alexander the Great’s body supposedly undergo, involving a glass coffin, honey, and a series of thefts?

  4. Which world-renowned composer was known for his love of writing letters filled with bathroom humor and even composed a canon in B-flat about it?

  5. In the 17th century, which fruit was so heavily taxed in Britain that it led to smuggling and even the creation of fake versions?

  6. What happened to Albert Einstein’s brain after his death that involved a cross-country road trip in the United States?

  7. Which famous Italian tower was actually a result of an architectural blunder rather than an intentional design for its iconic lean?

  8. How did Julius Caesar react when he was kidnapped by pirates, particularly regarding his ransom and his future plans for his captors?

  9. Which mythical plant was believed in the Middle Ages to grow sheep as its fruit?

  10. What is the bizarre theory that suggests the years 614 to 911 AD never actually happened and were fabricated by history?

  11. Which American president reportedly spared a bear cub, leading to the creation of a popular children’s toy?

  12. Which planet was initially thought to be crisscrossed by canals, leading to speculations about an alien civilization?

  13. What extraordinary material, typically not found on Earth, was used to make a dagger found in King Tutankhamun’s tomb?

  14. Which famous French leader was known for his remarkably speedy way of moving through his palace, earning him the nickname “The Little Corporal”?

  15. During the siege of Orleans in the Hundred Years’ War, what unusual tactic did Joan of Arc’s troops reportedly use involving flatulent cows?

  16. In which year did a con artist successfully “sell” the Eiffel Tower for scrap metal, not once but twice?

  17. What was unique about the famous 16th-century astronomer Tycho Brahe’s nose, and how did he supposedly lose the original?

  18. What was the first card game played on the moon during the Apollo 14 mission?

  19. Which type of bird did Benjamin Franklin famously (and unsuccessfully) try to electrocute to prove the power of electricity?

  20. Which notorious pirate was later elected to the British Parliament?

  21. What happened when Napoleon Bonaparte organized a rabbit hunt to celebrate a military victory, but it went hilariously wrong?

  22. Which Australian lake is known for its bright pink color, and what causes this unusual hue?

  23. What unique job did the first pair of Siamese cats brought to the United States have in their native Thailand?

  24. What was the name of the supposed “fifth Beatle,” a fictional character created as part of an elaborate hoax?

  25. Which dinosaur was initially reconstructed with a bone placed on its head, which later turned out to be its tail?

  26. What extravagant drink did Cleopatra reportedly consume to win a bet with Marc Antony?

  27. In the 1830s, ketchup was sold as a medicine for what ailment?

  28. Which famous world-renowned opera house was funded through a lottery?

  29. Which famous Dr. Seuss book was written as a result of a bet that he couldn’t write a book using only 50 different words?

  30. In what city did a large molasses storage tank burst in 1919, causing a sticky and surprisingly deadly flood?

  31. Which British monarch reportedly banned all Roman Catholics from the Royal Observatory in Greenwich because of a mistaken date for Easter?

  32. What is the term for the injury caused by improperly slicing an avocado, a phenomenon that spiked with the fruit’s rising popularity?

  33. What peculiar habit did British spy and diplomat Harold Adrian Russell “Kim” Philby have, involving cheese and his espionage activities?

  34. In the 19th century, what was the peculiar reason for a train in Ohio pursuing another train?

  35. Which U.S. President accidentally took the oath of office with a magazine instead of a Bible?

  36. Which English monarch reportedly died after falling into a toilet?

  37. How many different bird species are mentioned in the works of William Shakespeare?

  38. In which city did a beer flood occur in 1814, causing destruction and loss of life?

  39. What was the unusual pet that Vincent van Gogh reportedly kept?

  40. In the 19th century, what bizarre phenomenon was reported involving people’s teeth spontaneously combusting?

  41. In the 1904 Olympics, what was the Olympic marathon winner given instead of a gold medal?

  42. Which famous American writer saved 300 worms from drowning during a rainstorm?

  43. Who is credited with inventing the sandwich, and what was the reason behind its creation?

  44. In ancient Rome, what unique law was put in place regarding the ownership of certain fish as pets?

  45. Which famous horror writer died while working on a novel titled “The Mystery of the Worm”?

  46. Which U.S. President had a custom bathtub installed in the White House due to his size, and once reportedly got stuck in it?

  47. During the French Revolution, what happened to the animals in the Versailles menagerie?

  48. Which world-famous structure was initially intended to be a temporary installation for an exposition but ended up becoming a permanent symbol of the city?

  49. What unusual item did Charles Dickens always insist on having at his readings?

  50. Which fruit is rumored to have caused the death of King John of England?

  51. Which is the shortest recorded war in history, lasting only 38 minutes?

  52. What instrument, made from a vegetable, is featured in an annual festival in Vienna?

  53. In Japan, which cat was famously appointed as the stationmaster of Kishi station?

  54. What snack food led to the accidental discovery of the microwave oven?

  55. What is the peculiar law in Alaska regarding sourdough starters?

  56. Which U.S. President received a 1,400-pound cheese as a gift, and what did he do with it?

  57. Which English Earl left a fortune to his cats in his will?

  58. What type of fish was trained in the 1950s to create paintings that were sold to art lovers?

  59. Originally, what was Play-Doh used for before it became a children’s toy?

  60. When was the Liberty Bell actually cracked, contrary to popular belief?

  61. Who is credited with inventing microwave popcorn, and how did it come about?

  62. Which vegetable was the first to be grown in space by NASA astronauts?

  63. Which English king supposedly had a suit of armor that accommodated his significantly large belly?

  64. In which U.S. city is it considered almost a culinary crime to put ketchup on a hot dog?

  65. What was the original intention behind the creation of potato chips, and how did it turn into the snack we know today?

  66. What is the name of the cat that was elected mayor of an Alaskan town for nearly two decades?

  67. What type of exotic animal did Napoleon Bonaparte reportedly keep as a pet?

  68. In what year did the Dancing Plague occur, where people danced uncontrollably until they collapsed?

  69. Which U.S. President infamously threw up on a foreign dignitary during a state dinner?

  70. What volcanic eruption is believed to have inspired Mary Shelley to write “Frankenstein”?

  71. In which city did a museum display a woolly mammoth with the trunk on the wrong end?

  72. What unusual instruction did composer Franz Joseph Haydn leave in his will regarding his head?

  73. What was the original purpose of the spring that later became known as the Slinky?

  74. From which country does the controversial cheese known as Casu Marzu, containing live insect larvae, originate?

  75. What was the name of the first animal to orbit the Earth, and what species was it?

  76. Which U.S. President had a peculiar love for Jello, particularly in one specific flavor?

  77. Which famous composer was terrified of fresh air, believing it was harmful to his health?

  78. Which Tsar of Russia imposed a tax on beards in an effort to modernize his country’s appearance?

  79. Who designed the QWERTY keyboard layout, and what was the original purpose of this design?

  80. What was bubble wrap originally designed to be before it became packaging material?

  81. How long did the longest recorded game of Monopoly last?

  82. In what country were ostriches once used as part of a police force for a brief period?

  83. Which two city-states famously went to war over a stolen bucket?

  84. Which famous 16th-century astronomer lost his nose in a duel and had to wear a prosthetic one made of metal?

  85. Which famous Hollywood actress and inventor played a crucial role in the development of technology that would eventually lead to Wi-Fi?

  86. In what year was the Tamagotchi digital pet first released, sparking a worldwide craze?

  87. Who invented the pink flamingo lawn ornament, and what was the inspiration behind it?

  88. In what year did the Ancient Olympic Games first allow athletes to compete in the nude?

  89. What everyday item was inspired by the way burrs stuck to the inventor’s dog?

  90. How was the popsicle invented, and what was the original name given to it by its inventor?

  91. How did Charles Goodyear accidentally discover the process of vulcanizing rubber?

  92. Originally, what color were carrots before being cultivated to their now common orange color?

  93. What bizarre dish did French poet Charles Baudelaire request as his last meal?

  94. In which Olympic Games was town planning an actual competitive event?

  95. During World War II, which zoo’s animals roamed the streets after it was bombed?

  96. Which famous inventor of a groundbreaking transportation technology never flew in an airplane?

  97. Which Roman Emperor is said to have appointed his horse as a senator?

  98. What natural event in 1883 influenced the vivid colors in artworks of the Impressionist movement?

  99. What was the original intention behind the creation of potato chips?

  100. Which Australian Prime Minister disappeared while swimming and was never found?

  101. Which infamous pirate later became the governor of Jamaica?

  102. Which U.S. President liked to skinny-dip in the Potomac River every morning?

  103. Which composer wrote a piece of music that can only be played by 11 string players at the same time?

  104. What was Coca-Cola originally intended to be when it was first invented?

  105. In which U.S. state did a whale carcass once explode, leading to an infamous incident?


  1. Emus: The Great Emu War was against emus. It was a military operation in Western Australia, and despite using machine guns, the emus proved too elusive and numerous to defeat.

  2. William Howard Taft: The 27th President of the United States, William Howard Taft, reportedly got stuck in the White House bathtub, necessitating the installation of a larger one.

  3. Alexander’s Honeyed Journey: After his death, Alexander the Great’s body was said to be placed in a glass coffin filled with honey to preserve it. His body was then reportedly stolen multiple times.

  4. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Mozart had a penchant for scatological humor, evident in his letters and even in his music, like the canon “Leck mich im Arsch” (Lick me in the arse).

  5. Pineapples: Pineapples were so heavily taxed in 17th-century Britain that they became a status symbol, leading to smuggling and the creation of fake pineapples.

  6. Einstein’s Brain on Tour: After Einstein’s death, his brain was removed without permission by the pathologist Thomas Stoltz Harvey, who later took it on a cross-country road trip in his car.

  7. The Leaning Tower of Pisa: The Leaning Tower of Pisa’s tilt was due to an inadequate foundation on ground too soft on one side to properly support the structure’s weight.

  8. Julius Caesar’s Pirate Adventure: When kidnapped by pirates, Caesar insisted they increase his ransom because he felt he was worth more. He also promised to crucify them, a promise he fulfilled upon his release.

  9. Vegetable Lamb of Tartary: This mythical plant was believed to grow sheep as its fruit. It reflected medieval beliefs about the natural world’s wonders.

  10. Phantom Time Hypothesis: This theory, proposed by Heribert Illig, suggests that the Carolingian period, including Charlemagne’s reign, is a fabrication by medieval chroniclers.

  11. Theodore Roosevelt: This incident involving Roosevelt sparing a bear cub inspired the creation of the teddy bear.

  12. Mars: Mars was once believed to have canals, a misinterpretation of visual observations that led to speculations about Martian civilization.

  13. Meteorite Iron: The dagger found in King Tutankhamun’s tomb was made from iron derived from a meteorite.

  14. Napoleon Bonaparte: Known for moving quickly through his palace, Napoleon Bonaparte earned the nickname “The Little Corporal,” partly due to his brisk walking pace.

  15. Flatulent Cows: During the siege of Orleans, Joan of Arc’s troops reportedly used cows fed with beans to create noxious fumes against the English – a medieval form of biological warfare.

  16. 1925: Victor Lustig “sold” the Eiffel Tower for scrap metal twice in 1925.

  17. A Silver and Gold Nose: Tycho Brahe had a prosthetic nose made of silver and gold, as he lost his original nose in a duel over a mathematical formula.

  18. Solitaire: Astronaut Alan Shepard played a round of solitaire during the Apollo 14 mission.

  19. A Turkey: Franklin experimented with electrocuting a turkey, an experiment that almost killed him.

  20. Black Bart (Bartholomew Roberts): Before his life of piracy, Bartholomew Roberts was elected to the British Parliament.

  21. Rabbits Attacked Napoleon: The rabbits, supposed to be hunted, turned aggressive and chased Napoleon and his guests instead.

  22. Lake Hillier: The pink color of Lake Hillier is due to the presence of a certain type of algae and pink bacteria.

  23. Catching Royal Rings: The first Siamese cats in the U.S. had the job of catching rings tossed into the air in the Royal Court of Siam.

  24. William Campbell: The “fifth Beatle,” William Campbell, was completely fictional and part of an elaborate hoax.

  25. Stegosaurus: The Stegosaurus was initially reconstructed with a bone that was thought to be from its skull but was actually its tail.

  26. A Pearl in Vinegar: Cleopatra reportedly dissolved a pearl in vinegar to create the most expensive cocktail in history.

  27. Indigestion: Ketchup was sold as a cure for indigestion in the 1830s.

  28. Sydney Opera House: The Sydney Opera House was partially funded through a lottery.

  29. “Green Eggs and Ham”: Dr. Seuss wrote “Green Eggs and Ham” after a bet that he couldn’t write a book using only 50 different words.

  30. Boston: The Great Molasses Flood occurred in Boston in 1919, causing 21 deaths and numerous injuries.

  31. King Charles II: He banned Roman Catholics from the Royal Observatory in Greenwich due to a calendrical error regarding Easter.

  32. “Avocado Hand”: The injury sustained while cutting an avocado is colloquially known as “avocado hand.”

  33. Cheese as a Signal: Kim Philby used to place a slice of cheese in his window as a signal to his Soviet handlers.

  34. Stolen Train Cars: An Ohio train pursued another to retrieve stolen train cars that were attached to the fleeing locomotive.

  35. Lyndon B. Johnson: He accidentally used a missal (a liturgical book) instead of a Bible during his swearing-in aboard Air Force One.

  36. King George II: He supposedly died from falling into his chamber pot.

  37. 34 Bird Species: Shakespeare mentioned 34 different species of birds throughout his works.

  38. London: The London Beer Flood occurred in 1814 when a large beer vat ruptured, causing a deadly wave of beer.

  39. A Grasshopper: Van Gogh kept a grasshopper as a pet, which was later found in one of his paintings.

  40. Exploding Teeth: There were reports in the 19th century of people’s teeth spontaneously combusting, likely due to poor dental hygiene and flammable toothpaste ingredients.

  41. A Silver Cup: The 1904 Olympic marathon winner was given a silver cup instead of a gold medal.

  42. Mark Twain: He famously saved 300 worms from drowning in a rainstorm.

  43. John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich: He is credited with inventing the sandwich to eat without leaving his gambling table.

  44. Prohibition of Mullets: In ancient Rome, it was illegal to keep mullets as pets due to their high value as a delicacy.

  45. Bram Stoker: The author of “Dracula” was working on “The Mystery of the Worm” at the time of his death.

  46. William Howard Taft: He had an oversized bathtub installed and was rumored to have been stuck in it, although this is likely apocryphal.

  47. Animals Were Eaten: During the French Revolution, the animals in the Versailles menagerie were reportedly cooked and eaten by starving citizens.

  48. The Eiffel Tower: It was supposed to be dismantled after the 1889 Exposition Universelle but was saved due to its value as a radio tower and became an iconic landmark.

  49. A Blue Flower: Dickens had a peculiar requirement for a blue flower on his lectern during readings.

  50. Peaches: Legend suggests that King John of England died after consuming an excessive amount of peaches.

  51. Anglo-Zanzibar War: It took place in 1896 and is the shortest war in history, lasting just 38 minutes.

  52. The Cucumber Flute: This unique instrument is celebrated at the annual “Cucumber Flute Festival” in Vienna.

  53. Tama the Cat: Tama became famous as the adorable and honorary stationmaster at Kishi station in Japan.

  54. Popcorn: The microwave oven was discovered accidentally by Percy Spencer when a candy bar in his pocket melted while he was experimenting with microwave radiation and he later tested it with popcorn.

  55. Must Be Kept with the Family: In Alaska, sourdough starters are considered so precious that they must be “kept with the family” in times of emergency.

  56. Thomas Jefferson: He received a giant cheese from a Massachusetts pastor and his congregation, and he served it at a White House reception.

  57. Earl of Southampton: He famously left a considerable fortune to his cats.

  58. Siamese Fighting Fish: These fish were trained in the 1950s to make brush strokes on paper, creating paintings that were sold.

  59. Wallpaper Cleaner: Play-Doh was originally created as a wallpaper cleaner before being repurposed as a children’s modeling compound.

  60. 1835 (Not 1776): Contrary to popular belief, the Liberty Bell was not cracked on the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 but likely cracked in 1835 during the funeral of John Marshall.

  61. Percy Spencer: He invented microwave popcorn by accidentally popping corn while testing microwave equipment.

  62. Lettuce: Lettuce was the first vegetable grown and eaten in space by NASA astronauts.

  63. Henry VIII: His armor was famously made to accommodate his large waistline.

  64. Chicago: In Chicago, putting ketchup on a hot dog is often frowned upon by locals.

  65. To Annoy a Picky Customer: Potato chips were created by a chef in frustration to satisfy a customer who kept sending back his fried potatoes for being too thick.

  66. Stubbs the Cat: Stubbs was the honorary mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, for nearly 20 years.

  67. An Alligator: Napoleon Bonaparte had a pet alligator that lived in a bathtub.

  68. 1518: The Dancing Plague of 1518 was a case of dancing mania in Strasbourg where people danced for days without rest.

  69. George H.W. Bush: He threw up on the Japanese Prime Minister during a state dinner in 1992.

  70. Mount Tambora in 1815: The eruption led to a “year without a summer,” which is believed to have influenced Mary Shelley’s creation of “Frankenstein.”

  71. Buffalo, New York: A museum in Buffalo displayed a woolly mammoth model with the trunk on the wrong end for years.

  72. To Be Separated from His Body: Haydn’s head was to be separated from his body after death, leading to a series of bizarre events involving the theft and return of his skull.

  73. Stabilizing Ship Equipment: The Slinky was originally developed as a stabilizing device for sensitive ship equipment.

  74. Sardinia, Italy: Casu Marzu is a Sardinian cheese known for containing live maggots.

  75. Laika, a Dog: Laika, a Soviet space dog, was the first animal to orbit the Earth.

  76. Ronald Reagan: He was particularly fond of jelly beans, especially the licorice flavor.

  77. Frédéric Chopin: The composer had a bizarre fear of fresh air and believed it could be harmful to his health.

  78. Peter the Great: He imposed a beard tax in Russia as part of his Westernization efforts.

  79. Christopher Sholes: The QWERTY layout was designed to prevent typewriter keys from sticking during fast typing.

  80. Wallpaper: Bubble wrap was originally intended to be a type of textured wallpaper.

  81. 70 straight days: The longest Monopoly game ever recorded lasted for 70 days.

  82. South Africa: Ostriches were briefly used by a police force in South Africa for patrolling purposes.

  83. Modena and Bologna: The War of the Bucket was fought between Modena and Bologna in Italy over a stolen bucket.

  84. Tycho Brahe: He lost his nose in a duel with a fellow nobleman and wore a prosthetic nose made of brass.

  85. Hedy Lamarr: She co-invented a frequency-hopping spread spectrum technology that would eventually contribute to the development of Wi-Fi.

  86. 1996: The Tamagotchi was first released in 1996, becoming a popular toy worldwide.

  87. Don Featherstone: He invented the iconic pink flamingo lawn ornament in 1957, inspired by photographs he saw in a magazine.

  88. 720 BC: Athletes in the Ancient Olympic Games began competing in the nude from 720 BC.

  89. Velcro: The idea for Velcro came to the inventor when he noticed how burrs stuck to his dog’s fur.

  90. Popsicle Stick: It was accidentally invented by Frank Epperson when he left a cup of flavored soda with a stick in it outside overnight. He originally called it the “Epsicle.”

  91. By Accident on a Stove: Goodyear discovered vulcanization when he accidentally dropped rubber mixed with sulfur onto a hot stove.

  92. Purple: Carrots were originally purple, along with other colors like white and yellow, before being cultivated to become predominantly orange.

  93. Roasted Peacock: Baudelaire reportedly requested a roasted peacock for his last meal.

  94. The 1912 Stockholm Olympics: Town planning was included as part of the art competitions in the 1912 Olympics.

  95. The Berlin Zoo: After the Berlin Zoo was bombed during World War II, animals including elephants, lions, and tigers roamed the streets.

  96. The Wright Brothers’ Wilbur Wright: Despite inventing the airplane, Wilbur Wright never flew in one.

  97. Caligula: He is rumored to have made his horse, Incitatus, a senator.

  98. The Krakatoa Volcano Eruption: The eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 led to spectacular sunsets that influenced the Impressionist painters.

  99. To Annoy a Complaining Customer: Chef George Crum invented potato chips in 1853 to spite a customer who complained his French fries were too thick.

  100. Harold Holt: In 1967, Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt disappeared while swimming at Cheviot Beach and was presumed drowned.

  101. Henry Morgan: He was a pirate who later became the lieutenant governor of Jamaica.

  102. John Quincy Adams: He was known for his morning routine of skinny-dipping in the Potomac River.

  103. Mauricio Kagel: He composed a piece for 11 string instruments titled “11th-String Quartet.”

  104. As a Medicinal Tonic: Coca-Cola was originally created by John Pemberton as a medicinal tonic.

  105. Oregon: In 1970, a whale carcass in Florence, Oregon, was exploded using dynamite, leading to an infamous and messy incident.
funny trivia questions with answers

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