
49 Game of Thrones Trivia Questions

Game of Thrones, the epic fantasy television series based on George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” novels, captured the hearts of millions worldwide. 

With its complex characters, intricate plots, and breathtaking landscapes, the show became a cultural phenomenon. 

Now, are you a true Game of Thrones fan? 

Test your knowledge with these challenging trivia questions and see if you can claim the Iron Throne of trivia mastery!

Let’s begin. 

Game of Thrones Trivia Questions

  1. Valyrian Steel Legacy: In “Game of Thrones,” several Valyrian steel weapons have significant histories. Name at least three such weapons and the characters who initially owned them.

  2. Direwolf Companions: Each Stark child receives a direwolf in Season 1. Name each direwolf and their Stark owner, and describe the fate of each wolf by the end of the series.

  3. Targaryen Lineage: Explain the Targaryen family tree leading up to Daenerys and Jon Snow, including their relationship to each other and their ancestors back to Aerys II Targaryen.

  4. Battle Strategies: Describe the strategic differences between the Battle of the Bastards and the Battle of Blackwater, focusing on the key tactics used by the commanders on both sides.

  5. Lannister Debts: “A Lannister always pays his debts” is a famous line from the series. Detail three significant debts paid by a Lannister and the context in which they were repaid.

  6. Faces of Arya: Arya Stark’s journey with the Faceless Men is a significant plot. List at least four different identities or faces Arya assumes throughout the series, and explain the context in which she used each one.

  7. Westeros Rulers: Throughout “Game of Thrones,” different characters claim the Iron Throne. Name at least five characters who sit on the Iron Throne, even if briefly, and the circumstances that led to their ascension.

  8. The Red Wedding: The Red Wedding is one of the most shocking events in the series. Describe the political machinations that led to the Red Wedding, including the key players and their motivations.

  9. Dragon Names: Daenerys Targaryen has three dragons. Name each dragon and provide a brief description of their fates by the end of the series.

  10. The Night’s Watch Oath: Recite the full Night’s Watch oath and explain its significance in Jon Snow’s storyline.

  11. Faceless God’s Deity: What is the name of the deity worshipped by the Faceless Men, and how does Arya Stark’s training under them influence her character development?

  12. Wildfire in King’s Landing: Discuss the two major uses of wildfire in King’s Landing, detailing who orchestrated them and the outcomes of each event.

  13. Bran’s Journey North: Describe Bran Stark’s journey to find the Three-Eyed Raven, including key characters he meets and significant challenges he faces.

  14. Littlefinger’s Manipulations: Outline three major political manipulations orchestrated by Petyr Baelish (Littlefinger) and how they impacted the overall plot.

  15. Cersei’s Prophecy: Detail the prophecy made to Cersei Lannister in her youth, its elements, and how it plays out in her life.

  16. Dothraki Culture: Explain the Dothraki culture as portrayed in the series, focusing on their societal structure, customs, and how Daenerys Targaryen’s relationship with them evolves.

  17. The Wall and the White Walkers: Describe the origin and purpose of the Wall, and explain the initial re-emergence of the White Walkers in the series.

  18. History of Dragonstone: What is the historical significance of Dragonstone in the context of House Targaryen?

  19. The Three-Eyed Raven: Who was the Three-Eyed Raven before Bran Stark, and what is his backstory?

  20. Tyrion’s Trials: Detail the two major trials Tyrion Lannister faces in the series, including the accusations, his defenders, and the outcomes.

  21. Sansa’s Political Evolution: How does Sansa Stark’s character evolve from a political standpoint, from the beginning of the series to her final role?

  22. Jaime Lannister’s Redemption Arc: Discuss Jaime Lannister’s journey from being the “Kingslayer” to his final actions in the series, focusing on key events that shape his character development.

  23. Maesters and the Citadel: Explain the role of the Maesters and the Citadel in Westeros, including how Samwell Tarly’s time there contributes to the story.

  24. The Faith of the Seven: Describe the religious beliefs and structure of the Faith of the Seven, and how it influences the politics of Westeros, particularly in King’s Landing.

  25. The Lord of Light: Discuss the religion dedicated to the Lord of Light, its major tenets, and how characters like Melisandre and Thoros of Myr embody these beliefs in the series.

  26. Varys’s Network of “Little Birds: Describe the extent of Varys’s spy network in “Game of Thrones” and how it plays a crucial role in various plotlines.

  27. The Iron Bank of Braavos: What is the role of the Iron Bank of Braavos in the series, and how does it impact the political landscape of Westeros?

  28. The Legacy of House Tyrell: Detail the rise and fall of House Tyrell, focusing on key characters from this house and their influence on Westeros’s political dynamics.

  29. Beric Dondarrion and the Brotherhood Without Banners: Explain the purpose of the Brotherhood Without Banners and Beric Dondarrion’s unique character arc, including his multiple resurrections.

  30. Grey Worm and the Unsullied: Describe the background of Grey Worm and the Unsullied, their transformation under Daenerys Targaryen’s leadership, and their role in her campaign.

  31. The Hound’s Journey: Trace the character development of Sandor Clegane, “The Hound,” from his introduction to his final fate in the series.

  32. Daenerys’s Advisers: List the key advisers who served Daenerys Targaryen throughout the series and describe the role each played in her quest for the Iron Throne.

  33. Wildlings and Their Culture: What is the culture of the Wildlings or the Free Folk beyond the Wall, and how does Jon Snow’s interaction with them change the narrative of the series?

  34. The Night King’s Origin: What is the origin story of the Night King, and who created him?

  35. Oberyn Martell’s Revenge: What is the backstory behind Oberyn Martell’s quest for revenge against the Mountain and the Lannisters?

  36. The Dothraki Sea: Describe the geographical and cultural significance of the Dothraki Sea in relation to the Dothraki people.

  37. Theon Greyjoy’s Transformation: Detail Theon Greyjoy’s character arc from his return to the Iron Islands to his final actions in the series.

  38. Melisandre’s Prophecies: Discuss some of the key prophecies made by Melisandre, how they influenced her actions, and their outcomes.

  39. House Mormont’s Legacy: Outline the history and significant contributions of House Mormont in the series.

  40. The Sigils of Great Houses: Describe the sigils and mottos of at least five Great Houses of Westeros and their symbolic meanings.

  41. The Golden Company: Explain the history and role of the Golden Company in the series, including who hired them and their ultimate fate.

  42. Gendry’s Lineage and Role: Explain Gendry’s background, his claim to the Baratheon lineage, and his role in the series.

  43. Ygritte and the Wildlings: Discuss Ygritte’s character, her relationship with Jon Snow, and her significance in the Wildlings’ storyline.

  44. The Many-Faced God and the Hall of Faces: Describe the concept of the Many-Faced God and the significance of the Hall of Faces as seen in Arya Stark’s storyline.

  45. House Bolton’s Notoriety: Detail the rise and fall of House Bolton, focusing on their notorious reputation and key events involving Ramsay Bolton.

  46. The Children of the Forest and the First Men: Describe the ancient history of Westeros involving the Children of the Forest and the First Men, including their conflict and eventual pact.

  47. The Azor Ahai Prophecy: Explain the prophecy of Azor Ahai, its relevance in the series, and the characters believed to be linked to this prophecy.

  48. Daenerys’s Vision in the House of the Undying: Describe Daenerys Targaryen’s vision in the House of the Undying and its significance for her future.

  49. The Fate of Rickon Stark: Outline the storyline of Rickon Stark, including his journey throughout the series and his ultimate fate.


  1. Valyrian Steel Legacy:
    • Ice: The ancestral sword of House Stark, originally owned by Ned Stark.
    • Longclaw: Given to Jon Snow by Jeor Mormont, originally the Mormont family sword.
    • Oathkeeper: Forged from Ice and given to Brienne of Tarth by Jaime Lannister.

  2. Direwolf Companions:
    • Ghost (Jon Snow): Survives and returns to the North with Jon.
    • Nymeria (Arya Stark): Survives, leading a wolf pack in the Riverlands.
    • Summer (Bran Stark): Dies protecting Bran from wights.
    • Shaggydog (Rickon Stark): Killed by the Umbers.
    • Lady (Sansa Stark): Executed on Cersei’s orders.
    • Grey Wind (Robb Stark): Killed at the Red Wedding.

  3. Targaryen Lineage:
    • Aerys II Targaryen (The Mad King) and his sister-wife Rhaella had three children: Rhaegar, Viserys, and Daenerys.
    • Rhaegar, married to Elia Martell, had two children, but he annulled this marriage to wed Lyanna Stark.
    • Jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna, making Daenerys his aunt.

  4. Battle Strategies:
    • The Battle of Blackwater: Tyrion Lannister used wildfire to destroy Stannis Baratheon’s fleet, combined with a surprise attack led by Tywin Lannister and Loras Tyrell.
    • The Battle of the Bastards: Jon Snow’s forces were nearly defeated by Ramsay Bolton’s larger army, but Sansa Stark and Littlefinger arrived with the Knights of the Vale, turning the tide.

  5. Lannister Debts:
    • Tyrion’s debt to Bronn: Bronn is promised a castle for his service, ultimately receiving Highgarden.
    • Jaime’s debt to Brienne: Jaime gifts Brienne armor and a sword to fulfill his oath to Catelyn Stark.
    • Tywin’s debt to the Iron Bank: Repays part of the Crown’s massive debts to maintain financial stability.

  6. Faces of Arya:
    • Arry: Arya’s first disguise as a boy to hide her identity while traveling north.
    • Cat of the Canals: A persona used while learning with the Faceless Men.
    • Walder Frey: Used to avenge the Red Wedding by killing Frey’s sons and Walder himself.
    • The Waif: Arya wears her face to kill the Waif and declare her independence from the Faceless Men.

  7. Westeros Rulers:
    • Joffrey Baratheon: Inherits the throne after King Robert’s death.
    • Tommen Baratheon: Ascends after Joffrey’s poisoning.
    • Cersei Lannister: Takes power following Tommen’s suicide.
    • Daenerys Targaryen: Briefly claims the throne before being assassinated.
    • Bran Stark: Elected as King of the Six Kingdoms after Daenerys’s death.

  8. The Red Wedding:
    • Orchestrated by Tywin Lannister, Roose Bolton, and Walder Frey as a response to Robb Stark breaking his marriage pact with the Freys and the general threat posed by the Stark rebellion.
    • Robb Stark, his mother Catelyn, and most of his army were killed, effectively ending the Northern rebellion.

  9. Dragon Names and Fates:
    • Drogon: Survives, last seen flying east with Daenerys’s body.
    • Rhaegal: Killed by Euron Greyjoy’s fleet.
    • Viserion: Killed by the Night King and later resurrected as an ice dragon, then destroyed during the Battle of Winterfell.

  10. The Night’s Watch Oath:
    • Oath: “Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post…”
    • Significance: Jon’s dedication to the oath is tested numerous times, especially with his love for Ygritte and later Daenerys, and his temporary death technically frees him from the oath, allowing him to leave the Watch.

  11. Faceless God’s Deity:
    • The deity is known as the Many-Faced God, representing death.
    • Arya’s training with them sharpens her skills in stealth, combat, and deception, significantly contributing to her journey of revenge and self-discovery.

  12. Wildfire in King’s Landing:
    • The Battle of Blackwater Bay: Tyrion Lannister uses wildfire to defend the city against Stannis Baratheon’s fleet.
    • The destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor: Cersei Lannister uses wildfire to eliminate her enemies, including the High Sparrow and the Tyrell leadership.

  13. Bran’s Journey North:
    • Bran travels beyond the Wall to find the Three-Eyed Raven, accompanied by Jojen and Meera Reed, and Hodor.
    • Challenges include attacks by wights, the death of Jojen, and Bran’s adjustment to his warg abilities.

  14. Littlefinger’s Manipulations:
    • Betrayal of Ned Stark: Littlefinger’s deceit leads to Ned’s arrest.
    • The murder of Jon Arryn: Orchestrated by Littlefinger and Lysa Arryn, sparking the conflict between the Starks and Lannisters.
    • The assassination of Joffrey: Littlefinger and Olenna Tyrell plot Joffrey’s death.

  15. Cersei’s Prophecy:
    • A witch prophesies that Cersei will be queen until a younger, more beautiful queen displaces her, that her three children will wear crowns and shrouds, and that she will be killed by the “valonqar” (younger brother).
    • The prophecy comes true as her children die, she is temporarily dethroned by Margaery Tyrell, and she ultimately dies alongside her brother, Jaime.

  16. Dothraki Culture:
    • The Dothraki are nomadic horse warriors, valuing strength and prowess in battle. They are led by a Khal and follow a strict code of honor.
    • Daenerys initially integrates as Khal Drogo’s wife, later emerging as a powerful leader, uniting the Dothraki under her command and breaking some of their traditional customs.

  17. The Wall and the White Walkers:
    • The Wall was built to defend against the White Walkers, mythical creatures from the far North, following the Long Night.
    • The White Walkers re-emerge as a threat early in the series, leading to increased tensions and eventual conflict with the Night’s Watch and the Seven Kingdoms.

  18. History of Dragonstone:
    • Dragonstone was the original seat of House Targaryen in Westeros, used as a stronghold before they conquered the Seven Kingdoms. It was the birthplace of Daenerys Targaryen.

  19. The Three-Eyed Raven:
    • The previous Three-Eyed Raven was Brynden Rivers, also known as “Bloodraven.” He was a Targaryen bastard who served as the Hand of the King before becoming a Night’s Watch member and eventually the Three-Eyed Raven.

  20. Tyrion’s Trials:
    • Trial in the Eyrie: Accused of attempting to murder Bran Stark, Tyrion demands a trial by combat and is defended by Bronn, resulting in his acquittal.
    • Trial in King’s Landing: Accused of Joffrey’s murder, Tyrion is ultimately found guilty but escapes execution thanks to Jaime and Varys.

  21. Sansa’s Political Evolution:
    • Sansa starts as a naive girl dreaming of becoming queen. Over time, she endures various hardships, learns from political players like Cersei and Littlefinger, and becomes a savvy and strong leader, eventually becoming Queen in the North.

  22. Jaime Lannister’s Redemption Arc:
    • Jaime begins as a seemingly amoral Kingslayer but gradually reveals complexity and honor. His journey includes losing his hand, his relationship with Brienne of Tarth, his conflicted loyalty to Cersei, and his final attempt to save her life.

  23. Maesters and the Citadel:
    • Maesters are scholars who serve the lords of Westeros, trained at the Citadel in Oldtown. Samwell Tarly’s time at the Citadel reveals crucial information about White Walkers and Jon Snow’s lineage.

  24. The Faith of the Seven:
    • A dominant religion in Westeros, it worships seven aspects of a single deity. The Faith influences Westerosi culture and politics, especially evident in the rise of the Faith Militant and the High Sparrow’s temporary control over King’s Landing.

  25. The Lord of Light:
    • The religion worships a single, fire-based deity known as R’hllor or the Lord of Light, opposing the darkness. Key figures like Melisandre and Thoros of Myr demonstrate powers such as prophecy, resurrection, and shadow binding, significantly impacting the series’ events.

  26. Varys’s Network of “Little Birds”:
    • Varys’s spy network consists of numerous informants, including children, across Westeros and Essos. It provides him with critical information, influencing decisions in King’s Landing and beyond.

  27. The Iron Bank of Braavos:
    • The Iron Bank is a financial powerhouse affecting the Westerosi economy. Its decision to fund Stannis Baratheon and later Cersei Lannister significantly impacts the War of the Five Kings and the power balance in Westeros.

  28. The Legacy of House Tyrell:
    • House Tyrell rises to prominence through strategic marriages and alliances. Margaery Tyrell’s marriages to Joffrey and Tommen Baratheon bring them close to the throne, but the house falls after Cersei destroys the Great Sept, killing key members.

  29. Beric Dondarrion and the Brotherhood Without Banners:
    • The Brotherhood Without Banners fights for the common people. Beric, resurrected multiple times by Thoros of Myr, sacrifices his final life to save Arya Stark during the Battle of Winterfell.

  30. Grey Worm and the Unsullied:
    • Grey Worm is the leader of the Unsullied, elite eunuch warriors from Astapor. Under Daenerys, they evolve from slave soldiers to loyal followers fighting for freedom, playing a crucial role in Daenerys’s campaigns.

  31. The Hound’s Journey:
    • Sandor Clegane evolves from a brutal fighter serving the Lannisters to a more complex character seeking redemption. His journey ends in a final confrontation with his brother, Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane.

  32. Daenerys’s Advisers:
    • Key advisers include Jorah Mormont (loyal protector), Tyrion Lannister (strategist and Hand of the Queen), Missandei (trusted confidante), Varys (spy master), and Barristan Selmy (veteran knight).

  33. Wildlings and Their Culture:
    • The Wildlings, or Free Folk, have a culture based on freedom and survival beyond the Wall. Jon Snow’s alliance with them, especially through Mance Rayder and Tormund Giantsbane, shifts the North’s dynamics and aids in the fight against the White Walkers.

  34. The Night King’s Origin:
    • The Night King was originally a First Man captured by the Children of the Forest. They turned him into the first White Walker to protect themselves against the First Men, inadvertently creating a greater threat.

  35. Oberyn Martell’s Revenge:
    • Oberyn seeks vengeance for the rape and murder of his sister Elia and her children during Robert’s Rebellion, crimes he attributes to Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane and Tywin Lannister.

  36. The Dothraki Sea:
    • The Dothraki Sea is a vast grassland in central Essos, home to the nomadic Dothraki people. It is crucial for their way of life, providing space for their horse-based culture and raids.

  37. Theon Greyjoy’s Transformation:
    • Theon’s arc includes his betrayal of the Starks, his capture and torture by Ramsay Bolton, leading to his identity crisis as “Reek,” and eventual redemption, culminating in his sacrifice to protect Bran Stark.

  38. Melisandre’s Prophecies:
    • Melisandre, a priestess of the Lord of Light, makes several prophecies, including the return of Azor Ahai. Her interpretations often have dire consequences, such as the burning of Shireen Baratheon, but she plays a crucial role in the defeat of the Night King.

  39. House Mormont’s Legacy:
    • House Mormont of Bear Island is known for its strong-willed leaders, like Jeor Mormont, Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, and his niece Lyanna Mormont, who famously supports Jon Snow and dies heroically in the Battle of Winterfell.

  40. The Sigils of Great Houses:
    • Stark: A grey direwolf on a white field; “Winter is Coming.”
    • Lannister: A golden lion on a crimson field; “Hear Me Roar!” or “A Lannister Always Pays His Debts.”
    • Targaryen: A red three-headed dragon on a black field; “Fire and Blood.”
    • Baratheon: A crowned black stag on a gold field; “Ours is the Fury.”
    • Greyjoy: A golden kraken on a black field; “We Do Not Sow.”

  41. The Golden Company:
    • The Golden Company is a group of elite mercenaries in Essos, known for never breaking a contract. Hired by Cersei Lannister, they are brought to Westeros to fight for her but are ultimately defeated during the Battle of King’s Landing.

  42. Gendry’s Lineage and Role:
    • Gendry is the unacknowledged bastard son of King Robert Baratheon. Throughout the series, he works as a blacksmith, escapes death from Melisandre and the Lannisters, and aids in forging weapons to fight the White Walkers. He is later legitimized as a Baratheon and becomes Lord of Storm’s End.

  43. Ygritte and the Wildlings:
    • Ygritte, a Wildling woman, plays a crucial role in introducing Jon Snow and the audience to the Free Folk’s culture. Her romance with Jon adds depth to his character and influences his decisions regarding the Wildlings.

  44. The Many-Faced God and the Hall of Faces:
    • The Many-Faced God is the deity of death worshiped by the Faceless Men. The Hall of Faces in the House of Black and White is where the Faceless Men display the faces they use to disguise themselves, pivotal in Arya’s training.

  45. House Bolton’s Notoriety:
    • House Bolton, known for their cruelty and practice of flaying enemies, rises to prominence after betraying the Starks. Ramsay Bolton’s brutal actions, including the torture of Theon Greyjoy and the murder of his father, Roose, lead to their temporary control of the North, until their defeat by Jon Snow.

  46. The Children of the Forest and the First Men:
    • The Children of the Forest, the original inhabitants of Westeros, clashed with the First Men who arrived from Essos. After a long war, they formed a pact, leading to a period of peace. The Children created the White Walkers as a defense against the First Men.

  47. The Azor Ahai Prophecy:
    • The prophecy foretells the coming of Azor Ahai, a messianic figure destined to fight darkness. Throughout the series, several characters, including Stannis Baratheon, Jon Snow, and Daenerys Targaryen, are speculated to be Azor Ahai.

  48. Daenerys’s Vision in the House of the Undying:
    • In the vision, Daenerys sees the destroyed throne room of King’s Landing and a tent where she reunites with Khal Drogo and their son. This foreshadows the destruction of King’s Landing and her own demise following her quest for the Iron Throne.

  49. The Fate of Rickon Stark:
    • The youngest Stark child, Rickon, spends much of the series in hiding. He is ultimately captured by Ramsay Bolton and used as bait in the Battle of the Bastards. He is tragically killed by Ramsay while trying to reunite with Jon Snow.
Game of Thrones Trivia Questions