
50 Harry Potter Trivia Questions

Think you know your Wingardium Leviosa from your Expelliarmus? 

Whether you’re the Hermione of your friend group or still struggling to find Platform 9¾, it’s time to see if you’ve got what it takes to outsmart a Niffler in a trivia showdown! 

We’ve cooked up some Harry Potter trivia questions that will have you questioning if you’re a secret Squib or the next Dumbledore. 

Perfect for a wizarding duel of wits, a pub quiz that even Snape would approve of, or just a way to prove to your friends that you are indeed the biggest Potterhead around. 

Harry Potter Trivia Questions

Q. What is the exact incantation of the spell used to summon objects to the caster?

A. Accio
“Accio” is the summoning charm used to summon objects to the caster, regardless of distance, as long as they have a clear mental image of the object. It’s a very useful spell, often employed by Harry, like when he summoned his Firebolt during the Triwizard Tournament.

Q. What is the name of the magical object that allows users to view memories, and who invented it?

A. Pensieve; Albus Dumbledore
The Pensieve is a magical object used to view and relive memories. Dumbledore often used it to review memories related to Lord Voldemort. It is a shallow stone basin into which thoughts and memories can be deposited and reviewed.

Q. What form does Hermione Granger’s Patronus take?

A. Otter
Hermione’s Patronus is an otter, a playful and intelligent creature, much like Hermione herself. This charm is a projection of one’s most positive feelings and is used primarily as a defense against Dementors.

Q. What is the full name of the character commonly known as Wormtail?

A. Peter Pettigrew
Peter Pettigrew, also known as Wormtail, was a member of the Marauders and later betrayed his friends by serving Lord Voldemort. He is an Animagus who can transform into a rat.

Q. Which potion allows a person to temporarily assume the form of someone else, and what is the primary ingredient?

A. Polyjuice Potion; Lacewing flies
The Polyjuice Potion allows a person to transform into another person for a short period. The process of making it is complex, taking about a month to brew, and it requires several ingredients, with lacewing flies being one of the key ones.

50 Harry Potter Trivia Questions

Q. What does the spell Expelliarmus do?

A. Disarms the opponent
“Expelliarmus” is the disarming spell, used to force whatever an opponent is holding to fly out of their hand. This is Harry Potter’s signature spell and is often used to avoid deadly confrontations.

Q. What is the true identity of the Half-Blood Prince?

A. Severus Snape
The Half-Blood Prince is a self-given moniker by Severus Snape, who was half-blood (his mother was a witch and his father a Muggle) and excelled in potion-making, which he documented in an old Potions textbook.

Q. Which creature’s blood is known to keep a person alive, even if they are an inch from death?

A. Unicorn
Unicorn blood has powerful magical properties that can save a person from death. However, it comes with a curse—those who drink it will lead a cursed life, as the act of killing such a pure creature is a grave sin.

Q. What is the effect of the spell Obliviate?

A. Erases or modifies memories
“Obliviate” is a spell used to erase or alter memories. Gilderoy Lockhart famously used it on others to steal their achievements, but it backfired when he accidentally used it on himself with Ron’s broken wand.

Q. What plant does Professor Sprout use to revive those who have been petrified?

A. Mandrake
Mandrakes are magical plants with a cry that can be fatal when they are mature. However, their roots can be used to create a potion that revives those who have been petrified, as seen in “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.”

50 Harry Potter Trivia Questions

Q. What is the name of the device Dumbledore uses to remove or manipulate light?

A. Deluminator
The Deluminator is a device that can absorb and release light. It is first seen in “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” when Dumbledore uses it to remove the streetlights on Privet Drive. It was later left to Ron Weasley in Dumbledore’s will.

Q. Who was the Headmaster of Hogwarts when the Chamber of Secrets was first opened?

A. Armando Dippet
Armando Dippet was the Headmaster of Hogwarts when Tom Riddle first opened the Chamber of Secrets. Dumbledore was a professor at the time and suspected Riddle, though he had no proof.

Q. What form does Luna Lovegood’s Patronus take?

A. Hare
Luna Lovegood’s Patronus is a hare, a symbol often associated with her character’s free-spirited and whimsical nature. The Patronus Charm is a powerful spell that reflects the caster’s inner qualities.

Q. What is the name of the house-elf that Harry frees from the Malfoy family?

A. Dobby
Dobby is a house-elf who was enslaved by the Malfoy family until Harry tricked Lucius Malfoy into freeing him by giving him a sock. Dobby becomes a loyal friend to Harry and plays a significant role in the series.

Q. What was the core material of Harry Potter’s first wand?

A. Phoenix feather
Harry Potter’s first wand, which he obtained at Ollivanders, had a core made from a phoenix feather, specifically from Fawkes, Dumbledore’s phoenix. This wand shared its core with Voldemort’s wand, making it unique and significant in their duels.

50 Harry Potter Trivia Questions

Q. Who was the Potions Master at Hogwarts before Severus Snape?

A. Horace Slughorn
Horace Slughorn was the Potions Master at Hogwarts before Severus Snape took over. He was known for his “Slug Club,” a group of students he believed to be influential or talented.

Q. What does the spell Riddikulus do?

A. Transforms a Boggart into something humorous
“Riddikulus” is used against Boggarts, shape-shifting creatures that take the form of a person’s greatest fear. The spell forces the Boggart to change into something funny, making it easier to defeat.

Q. What potion grants the drinker good luck for a period of time?

A. Felix Felicis
Felix Felicis, also known as “Liquid Luck,” is a potion that makes the drinker lucky for a time, during which everything they attempt will be successful. However, it is dangerous to use in excess.

Q. What is the name of the wizarding prison guarded by Dementors?

A. Azkaban
Azkaban is the notorious prison where many dark witches and wizards are sent. The prison is guarded by Dementors, creatures that suck the happiness out of people, making Azkaban a truly terrifying place.

Q. Who was the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher during Harry’s fourth year?

A. Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody (Barty Crouch Jr.)
During Harry’s fourth year, Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody was supposed to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. However, it was actually Barty Crouch Jr. impersonating Moody using Polyjuice Potion.

50 Harry Potter Trivia Questions

Q. What does the spell Lumos do?

A. Produces light from the caster’s wand
“Lumos” is a simple but useful spell that produces light from the tip of the caster’s wand, functioning like a flashlight in dark places.

Q. What does the spell Nox do?

A. Extinguishes the light produced by Lumos
“Nox” is the counter-spell to Lumos, used to extinguish the light that Lumos produces.

Q. What is the name of the Weasley family’s home?

A. The Burrow
The Burrow is the warm and welcoming home of the Weasley family, located in Devon. It is known for its cozy, if somewhat cluttered, atmosphere and many magical enhancements.

Q. What are the names of Draco Malfoy’s two closest friends at Hogwarts?

A. Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle
Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle are Draco Malfoy’s closest friends and often act as his bodyguards. They are members of Slytherin House and are typically seen following Draco around.

Q. What is the name of the newspaper that is widely read in the wizarding world?

A. The Daily Prophet
The Daily Prophet is the main newspaper in the wizarding world, known for its sometimes biased reporting. It plays a significant role in the dissemination of information (and misinformation) throughout the series.

50 Harry Potter Trivia Questions

Q. What was the name of the three-headed dog that guarded the Philosopher’s Stone?

A. Fluffy
Fluffy is the three-headed dog owned by Hagrid that guarded the trapdoor leading to the Philosopher’s Stone. The dog was put to sleep by playing music.

Q. What does the Marauder’s Map show?

A. Every person’s location within Hogwarts
The Marauder’s Map is a magical document that shows the entire layout of Hogwarts, including the locations of every person within the castle. It was created by the Marauders: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs.

Q. What is the form of Harry Potter’s Patronus?

A. Stag
Harry Potter’s Patronus is a stag, which is a reflection of his father, James Potter, who was an Animagus that could transform into a stag. This spell is a strong, positive force used to ward off Dementors.

Q. Who gave Harry his first broomstick?

A. Professor Minerva McGonagall
Professor McGonagall gave Harry his first broomstick, a Nimbus 2000, after discovering his talent for flying. She wanted him to join the Gryffindor Quidditch team as a Seeker.

Q. What is the name of the spell used to unlock doors?

A. Alohomora
“Alohomora” is the unlocking charm used to open locked doors and windows. Hermione first uses this spell in “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” to unlock a door while escaping from Filch.

50 Harry Potter Trivia Questions

Q. Who is the Half-Giant who serves as the Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts?

A. Rubeus Hagrid
Rubeus Hagrid is the Half-Giant who serves as the Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. He is a loyal friend to Harry and often introduces him to magical creatures, some of which are quite dangerous.

Q. What creature is Aragog?

A. Acromantula
Aragog is an Acromantula, a giant, talking spider that was raised by Hagrid. He lives in the Forbidden Forest with his family and is a key figure in “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.”

Q. What is the name of the wizard bank in Diagon Alley?

A. Gringotts
Gringotts is the wizarding bank located in Diagon Alley, run by goblins. It is known for its security, with vaults protected by dragons and complex magical enchantments.

Q. Who is the conductor of the Knight Bus?

A. Stan Shunpike
Stan Shunpike is the conductor of the Knight Bus, a magical bus that transports witches and wizards in need of quick transportation. He is known for his Cockney accent and somewhat brash demeanor.

Q. What does the spell Sectumsempra do?

A. Inflicts deep gashes on the target as if slashed by a sword
“Sectumsempra” is a dark spell invented by Severus Snape that causes severe lacerations on the victim’s body, as if they have been cut by an invisible sword. Harry uses it on Draco Malfoy in “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.”

50 Harry Potter Trivia Questions

Q. What magical ability does Harry share with Voldemort that is highly unusual?

A. Parseltongue
Parseltongue is the ability to speak to snakes, an ability Harry shares with Voldemort. This rare talent is often associated with dark wizards and is a significant plot point in the series.

Q. What does Dumbledore leave to Ron in his will?

A. The Deluminator
Dumbledore leaves Ron the Deluminator, a device that can absorb and release light. It later helps Ron find his way back to Harry and Hermione after he temporarily leaves them during their search for Horcruxes.

Q. Who impersonated Mad-Eye Moody in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”?

A. Barty Crouch Jr.
Barty Crouch Jr. used Polyjuice Potion to impersonate Mad-Eye Moody throughout Harry’s fourth year at Hogwarts. His plan was to ensure Harry’s participation in the Triwizard Tournament to lead him to Voldemort.

Q. What is the name of the book Hermione often consults for information about magical creatures?

A. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
“Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” is a book written by Newt Scamander that Hermione frequently consults for information about magical creatures. It is a standard textbook at Hogwarts.

Q. What potion did Harry use to save Ron’s life after he was poisoned in “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”?

A. Bezoar
A Bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and is a universal antidote for most poisons. Harry remembered its use from a Potions lesson and used it to save Ron’s life when he was poisoned by mead.

50 Harry Potter Trivia Questions

Q. Who was the original owner of the Elder Wand?

A. Antioch Peverell
The Elder Wand was originally owned by Antioch Peverell, one of the three brothers in “The Tale of the Three Brothers.” It is the most powerful wand in existence and a key element in the Deathly Hallows.

Q. What was the final Horcrux to be destroyed?

A. Nagini
Nagini, Voldemort’s snake, was the final Horcrux to be destroyed. This was done by Neville Longbottom during the Battle of Hogwarts with the sword of Gryffindor.

Q. Who was the first student to be sorted by the Sorting Hat in Harry’s year?

A. Hannah Abbott
Hannah Abbott, a Hufflepuff student, was the first to be sorted in Harry’s year. The sorting ceremony is a significant event where new students are placed into one of the four Hogwarts houses.

Q. What type of wood was Voldemort’s wand made from?

A. Yew
Voldemort’s wand was made from yew wood, which is associated with death and rebirth, fitting for someone who sought immortality. The core of his wand was a phoenix feather, the twin to the one in Harry’s wand.

Q. Who was the headmaster of Durmstrang Institute during the Triwizard Tournament?

A. Igor Karkaroff
Igor Karkaroff was the headmaster of Durmstrang Institute during the Triwizard Tournament. He was a former Death Eater who had turned in his fellow Death Eaters to avoid imprisonment in Azkaban.

50 Harry Potter Trivia Questions

Q. What is the name of the room in Hogwarts that can only be accessed when someone is in great need?

A. The Room of Requirement
The Room of Requirement is a magical room that appears when a person has a great need for it. It changes its form and contents to suit the needs of the person who enters it.

Q. What does the spell Petrificus Totalus do?

A. Binds the target’s entire body, rendering them immobile
“Petrificus Totalus” is the Full Body-Bind Curse that causes the victim’s body to go completely stiff, immobilizing them. Hermione uses this spell on Neville Longbottom in “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.”

Q. Who is the author of “The Standard Book of Spells”?

A. Miranda Goshawk
Miranda Goshawk is the author of “The Standard Book of Spells,” a series of spellbooks used by students at Hogwarts. Each book corresponds to the year of study and contains spells appropriate for that level.

Q. What is the name of Bellatrix Lestrange’s husband?

A. Rodolphus Lestrange
Rodolphus Lestrange is Bellatrix Lestrange’s husband and a loyal Death Eater. He, along with Bellatrix, was involved in the torture of Frank and Alice Longbottom, Neville’s parents.

Q. What is the incantation for the Shield Charm?

A. Protego
“Protego” is the incantation for the Shield Charm, a defensive spell that creates a magical barrier to deflect spells and physical attacks. It is widely used in duels and during battles in the wizarding world.

50 Harry Potter Trivia Questions