50 Nursery Rhymes Trivia Questions
Nursery rhymes have been a cherished part of childhood for generations, providing entertainment, education, and cultural references for kids and adults alike.
How well do you remember these timeless tales?
Test your knowledge with these nursery rhyme trivia questions and see if you can recall the characters, stories, and hidden meanings behind these beloved rhymes.
Nursery Rhyme Trivia Questions
- What is the profession of the character in the nursery rhyme “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep”?
- In “Jack and Jill,” what do Jack and Jill go up the hill to fetch?
- What did the dish run away with in the nursery rhyme “Hey Diddle Diddle”?
- In “Little Miss Muffet,” what scares Miss Muffet away?
- What is the name of the egg-shaped character in a famous nursery rhyme who had a great fall?
- In “Hickory Dickory Dock,” what time did the mouse run down the clock?
- What did the three little kittens lose in the nursery rhyme “Three Little Kittens”?
- In “Old Mother Hubbard,” what did she go to her cupboard to fetch for her poor dog?
- What type of pie does the character in “Sing a Song of Sixpence” have?
- In “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” what color is Mary’s lamb?
- What did the old man in “It’s Raining, It’s Pouring” do after bumping his head?
- In “London Bridge is Falling Down,” what is proposed to be built up with to prevent the bridge’s collapse?
- What is the farmer doing in the nursery rhyme “The Farmer in the Dell”?
- In “This Old Man,” what does the old man play knick-knack on in the first verse?
- What does the ‘wee Willie Winkie’ do in the nursery rhyme of the same name?
- In “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” where are you rowing your boat?
- What did Peter Piper pick in the famous tongue twister nursery rhyme?
- What is the first object mentioned that the owl and the pussycat took to sea in their beautiful pea green boat?
- In “Rub-a-Dub-Dub,” who are the three men in a tub?
- What does Little Bo-Peep lose in the nursery rhyme “Little Bo-Peep”?
- In “The Wheels on the Bus,” what do the wipers on the bus do?
- How many blackbirds were baked in a pie in “Sing a Song of Sixpence”?
- What did Little Jack Horner pull out of his Christmas pie?
- In “Polly Put the Kettle On,” who is asked to take it off again?
- What does the spider do when ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ climbs up the water spout again?
- In “Georgie Porgie,” who does Georgie kiss that makes the girls cry?
- What are the bells of St. Clement’s said to give you in the nursery rhyme “Oranges and Lemons”?
- In “The Grand Old Duke of York,” how many men does the Duke have?
- What is Mother Goose often depicted as riding through the air?
- What did the three blind mice run after in the nursery rhyme “Three Blind Mice”?
- In “I Had a Little Nut Tree,” what did the nut tree never bear?
- What is the name of the character who sat in the corner eating his Christmas pie in “Little Jack Horner”?
- In “Ring a Ring o’ Roses,” what do all the children do at the end of the rhyme?
- What did Tom, Tom, the piper’s son, steal in the nursery rhyme?
- What is the first thing the old lady swallows in “There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly”?
- In “Simple Simon,” what does Simple Simon meet while going to the fair?
- What is the color of the bells in the nursery rhyme “Lavender’s Blue”?
- In “Pease Porridge Hot,” how many days old was the pease porridge?
- What does the little dog do in “Old Mother Hubbard” when the cupboard is bare?
- In “Goosey Goosey Gander,” where does the old man who wouldn’t say his prayers get thrown?
- What did the Queen of Hearts make in the nursery rhyme “The Queen of Hearts”?
- In “To Market, To Market,” what is bought first at the market?
- What is the name of the cat who frightened the little mouse under the chair in “Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat”?
- In “Doctor Foster,” where did Doctor Foster go that he stepped in a puddle up to his middle?
- What did the cow do in “Hey Diddle Diddle”?
- In “Girls and Boys Come Out to Play,” what are the girls and boys encouraged to bring out?
- What was Mother Hubbard’s dog doing when she returned with a bone?
- In “Bobby Shafto’s Gone to Sea,” how is Bobby Shafto described?
- What is the name of the king in “Sing a Song of Sixpence”?
- In “I Saw Three Ships,” where were the ships sailing?
- The character in “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep” is a shepherd.
- In “Jack and Jill,” they go up the hill to fetch a pail of water.
- In “Hey Diddle Diddle,” the dish runs away with the spoon.
- In “Little Miss Muffet,” Miss Muffet is scared away by a spider.
- The egg-shaped character is Humpty Dumpty.
- In “Hickory Dickory Dock,” the mouse runs down the clock at one o’clock.
- In “Three Little Kittens,” the kittens lose their mittens.
- In “Old Mother Hubbard,” she goes to her cupboard to fetch her poor dog a bone.
- The pie in “Sing a Song of Sixpence” is a blackbird pie.
- In “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” the lamb is described as being white as snow.
- After bumping his head in “It’s Raining, It’s Pouring,” the old man couldn’t get up in the morning.
- In “London Bridge is Falling Down,” various materials are suggested, including silver and gold, but the final suggestion is ‘iron and steel.’
- In “The Farmer in the Dell,” the farmer takes a wife.
- In “This Old Man,” the old man plays knick-knack on his drum in the first verse.
- In “Wee Willie Winkie,” he runs through the town, upstairs and downstairs, in his nightgown.
- In “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” you are rowing your boat gently down the stream.
- Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
- The first object mentioned that they took to sea is ‘some honey and plenty of money.’
- In “Rub-a-Dub-Dub,” the three men are a butcher, a baker, and a candlestick maker.
- Little Bo-Peep loses her sheep.
- In “The Wheels on the Bus,” the wipers go ‘swish swish swish.’
- Twenty-four blackbirds were baked in a pie in “Sing a Song of Sixpence.”
- Little Jack Horner pulled out a plum from his Christmas pie.
- In “Polly Put the Kettle On,” Sukey is asked to take it off again.
- When ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ climbs up the water spout again, the spider climbs up again.
- In “Georgie Porgie,” Georgie kisses the girls and makes them cry.
- The bells of St. Clement’s are said to give you ‘five farthings’ in “Oranges and Lemons.”
- In “The Grand Old Duke of York,” the Duke has ten thousand men.
- Mother Goose is often depicted as riding a flying gander (a male goose).
- In “Three Blind Mice,” the mice run after the farmer’s wife.
- In “I Had a Little Nut Tree,” the nut tree never bore silver nor gold.
- The character’s name in “Little Jack Horner” is Jack Horner.
- In “Ring a Ring o’ Roses,” all the children fall down at the end of the rhyme.
- Tom, Tom, the piper’s son, stole a pig.
- The first thing the old lady swallows in “There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly” is a fly.
- In “Simple Simon,” Simple Simon meets a pieman while going to the fair.
- In “Lavender’s Blue,” the bells are described as being blue.
- In “Pease Porridge Hot,” the pease porridge is nine days old.
- In “Old Mother Hubbard,” the little dog laughs when the cupboard is bare.
- In “Goosey Goosey Gander,” the old man is thrown down the stairs.
- The Queen of Hearts made some tarts in “The Queen of Hearts.”
- In “To Market, To Market,” a fat pig is bought first.
- The cat’s name in “Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat” is not mentioned.
- In “Doctor Foster,” he went to Gloucester.
- In “Hey Diddle Diddle,” the cow jumped over the moon.
- In “Girls and Boys Come Out to Play,” they are encouraged to bring their hoops.
- When Mother Hubbard returned with a bone, her dog was dead.
- In “Bobby Shafto’s Gone to Sea,” Bobby Shafto is described as being silver and bright.
- The name of the king in “Sing a Song of Sixpence” is not mentioned.
- In “I Saw Three Ships,” the ships were sailing into Bethlehem.