43 Unicorn Riddles
Unicorns, those mythical creatures of grace and beauty, have captivated human imagination for centuries.
With their horned majesty and elusive nature, unicorns have become symbols of purity and magic.
In this blog, we present a collection of enchanting unicorn riddles that will challenge your wits and transport you to a world of wonder and mystery.
Unicorn Riddles
- What do you call a unicorn with a large horn?
- Why did the unicorn go to school?
- What do unicorns call their father?
- Why are unicorns such good friends?
- What street do unicorns live on?
- Why was the unicorn such a good artist?
- What do unicorns eat for breakfast?
- What is a unicorn’s favorite type of story?
- Why don’t unicorns lie?
- What game do unicorns like to play at parties?
- Why did the unicorn refuse to play cards?
- What do you call a unicorn who serves in a restaurant?
- How do unicorns get to the park?
- What kind of weather do unicorns like the most?
- Why do unicorns like silly jokes?
- What do you call a unicorn that can’t make up its mind?
- What do unicorns use to clean their tails?
- What do you call a unicorn that lives near the ocean?
- What kind of music do unicorns like?
- Why was the unicorn such a good baseball player?
- What is a unicorn’s favorite type of exercise?
- What do unicorns call their grandparents?
- How do unicorns send their mail?
- What’s a unicorn’s favorite ice cream flavor?
- What did the unicorn say to the horse?
- Why don’t unicorns ever get caught in the rain?
- What do unicorns play in water?
- What did the unicorn say to the rainbow?
- What do unicorns use to make their pancakes?
- What do you call a unicorn that’s also a detective?
- Why was the unicorn such a good singer?
- What do you call a smart unicorn?
- Why do unicorns avoid spelling tests?
- What do you get if you cross a unicorn and a sheep?
- Why did the unicorn go to the dance alone?
- What kind of jokes do unicorns tell?
- What is a unicorn’s favorite type of car?
- Why don’t unicorns like to play chess?
- What’s a unicorn’s favorite candy?
- What do unicorns put on their salad?
- What did the unicorn say to the computer?
- How do unicorns get down a mountain?
- Why did the unicorn cross the road?
- A “point” of interest!
- To improve its “hornwork”!
- “Pop” corn!
- Because they are always “legend-dairy”!
- Mane Street.
- Because it always drew with a “rainbow”!
- “Unicornflakes”!
- Fairy “tails”!
- Because honesty is their mane policy.
- “Unicornhole”!
- It was afraid of getting a “horn” card.
- A “waitercorn”!
- On their “unicycles”!
- Light “mare” showers.
- Because they’re “uni-corny”!
- An “indecisive-corn”!
- A “tail comb”!
- A “sea-corn”!
- Anything that’s “neigh”-sical.
- Because it had a magical “batting” horn.
- “Jumping jacks” – they love to show off their jumping skills!
- “Grandcorns”!
- By “horn”-mail!
- “Magic mint”!
- “You’re unbelievable!”
- Because they have a sixth sense for “rain-bows”.
- Marco “polocorn”.
- “You color my world!”
- “Whisk”ers.
- A “mystical investigator”.
- It always hit the high “notes” with its horn.
- A “brainy-corn”.
- They can’t spell “unicorn” without “u-n-i”.
- A “woollycorn”.
- It wanted to “stand out” in the crowd.
- “Unicorn-y” jokes.
- A “Horn-DA”.
- Because it’s a game of knights, and they are daydreamers.
- “Star-bursts”.
- “Rainbow” dressing.
- “Stop playing games and get to the ‘point’!”
- By “gliding” down with magic.
- To get to the “fantasy” side!