
44 Spelling Trivia Questions

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling linguistic adventure? 

Whether you’re a stickler for spelling or just enjoy the challenge of a good word puzzle, get ready to flex your mental muscles and dive into the fascinating world of spelling trivia.

From tricky tongue twisters to commonly misspelled words, spelling is an art form that both delights and confounds us. 

Join us as we journey through a series of  these spellbinding trivia questions designed to put your spelling prowess to the ultimate test. From obscure words to homophones and everything in between, prepare to be challenged, entertained, and perhaps even surprised. 

Let’s go.

Spelling Trivia Questions

  1. What is the correct spelling for the neurological condition characterized by involuntary tics and vocalizations?

  2. How do you spell the name of the mountainous region in central Asia, known for its peaks and valleys?

  3. What is the correct spelling for the word describing an irrational fear of strangers or foreigners?

  4. How do you spell the name of the long, narrow country stretching along the west coast of South America?

  5. What is the correct spelling for the medical term referring to inflammation of the liver?

  6. How do you spell the term for a government by the worst individuals?

  7. What is the correct spelling for the term describing a substance that causes cancer?

  8. How do you spell the term for the philosophical theory that emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will?

  9. What is the correct spelling for the psychological disorder characterized by extreme mood swings?

  10. How do you spell the term for a method of underwater detection using sound waves?

  11. What is the correct spelling for the surgical removal of a body organ or tissue?

  12. How do you spell the term for a substance used to prevent the coagulation of blood?

  13. What is the correct spelling for the study of family lineages and the history of familial relationships?

  14. How do you spell the name of the disease caused by severe vitamin C deficiency?

  15. What is the correct spelling for the term describing a person who is able to use both hands with equal skill?

  16. How do you spell the term for a system of government where priests rule in the name of God or a god?

  17. What is the correct spelling for the psychological disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest?

  18. How do you spell the term referring to an exaggerated, often theatrical display of emotion?

  19. What is the correct spelling for the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of art, beauty, and taste?

  20. How do you spell the term for a light, porous volcanic rock used in solid form as an abrasive?

  21. What is the correct spelling for the process of transferring designs from specially prepared paper onto a material like fabric or ceramic?

  22. How do you spell the term for a severe allergic reaction that can be life-threatening?

  23. What is the correct spelling for the term used to describe an organism that thrives in extremely hot environments?

  24. How do you spell the term for a preliminary model of something, especially a machine, from which other forms are developed or copied?

  25. What is the correct spelling for the large-scale atmospheric wind pattern circling the Earth near the Equator?

  26. How do you spell the term for a detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political theory?

  27. How do you spell the term for a small, freshwater crustacean that is a popular aquarium food?

  28. What is the correct spelling for the practice of having more than one spouse at the same time?

  29. How do you spell the term for a medical procedure involving the examination of the large intestine from the rectum through the last part of the colon?

  30. What is the correct spelling for the term describing a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality?

  31. How do you spell the term for an instrument used in navigation for measuring angles, especially the altitude of the sun, moon, and stars?

  32. What is the correct spelling for the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water?

  33. How do you spell the term for a person who flees from their country to escape danger or persecution?

  34. What is the correct spelling for the medical term referring to the death of tissue in the body?

  35. How do you spell the term for the scientific study of insects?

  36. What is the correct spelling for the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the eye?

  37. How do you spell the term for a system of moral principles that apply values and judgments to the practice of medicine?

  38. What is the correct spelling for the phenomenon where light or other radiation is spread in many directions as a result of being reflected from a rough surface?

  39. How do you spell the term for an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship?

  40. What is the correct spelling for the term describing the maximum amount that something can contain?

  41. How do you spell the term for a decorative design or pattern?

  42. What is the correct spelling for the term describing someone not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations?

  43. How do you spell the term for a mythical bird that is said to live for several hundred years before burning itself and rising anew from the ashes?

  44. How do you spell the term for the study of human societies and cultures and their development?


  1. Tourette Syndrome

  2. Himalayas

  3. Xenophobia

  4. Chile

  5. Hepatitis

  6. Kakistocracy

  7. Carcinogenic

  8. Existentialism

  9. Bipolar Disorder

  10. Sonar

  11. Excision

  12. Anticoagulant

  13. Genealogy

  14. Scurvy

  15. Ambidextrous

  16. Theocracy

  17. Depression

  18. Melodrama

  19. Aesthetics

  20. Pumice

  21. Decalcomania

  22. Anaphylaxis

  23. Thermophile

  24. Prototype

  25. Hadley Cell

  26. Critique

  27. Daphnia

  28. Polygamy

  29. Colonoscopy

  30. Psychosis

  31. Sextant

  32. Photosynthesis

  33. Refugee

  34. Necrosis

  35. Entomology

  36. Ophthalmology

  37. Bioethics

  38. Diffusion

  39. Idol

  40. Capacity

  41. Motif

  42. Skeptical

  43. Phoenix

  44. Anthropology
Spelling Trivia Questions

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