
35 Trivia Questions about Australia

Ever wondered how much you really know about the Land Down Under?

From geography to culture to some truly unique facts, these questions will definitely put your Australian knowledge to the test.

Let’s check them out.

Trivia Questions about Australia

  1. Spanning over 2,300 kilometers, the Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef system. Can you name the approximate number of individual reefs and islands that compose this UNESCO World Heritage Site?

  2. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a rich cultural heritage that dates back tens of thousands of years. What is the term used to describe their belief system, which emphasizes the timelessness and interconnectedness of life and creation?

  3. Australia is known for its unique wildlife, including a mammal famous for its duck-like bill and ability to lay eggs. What is the name of this animal, and what is its unique method of sensing prey underwater?

  4. Australia experiences a variety of climatic conditions. Name the desert that is considered Australia’s largest and the tropical rainforest that is a renowned biodiversity hotspot.

  5. The Sydney Opera House is an iconic symbol of Australia. Who was the architect behind its unique design, and in what year was it officially opened?

  6. Australia is a significant exporter of a particular mineral, which is also the country’s largest export by monetary value. What is this mineral, and which region in Australia is most famous for its production?

  7. The Eureka Stockade is a pivotal event in Australian history, representing a clash between gold miners and government forces. In what year did this event take place, and what was its primary cause?

  8. Cricket is a major sport in Australia. Which Australian cricketer, often referred to as “The Don,” is celebrated as one of the greatest batsmen of all time?

  9. What is the capital city of Australia, and how does it differ from the largest city in terms of population and global recognition?

  10. Apart from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia is home to another significant marine ecosystem, known for its whale sharks and manta rays. Name this World Heritage-listed area.

  11. Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, is a sacred site for Indigenous Australians. What is the name of the national park where Uluru is located, and what is its significance in Aboriginal culture?

  12. What is the name of a popular Australian spread made from brewer’s yeast extract, and what is its distinctive taste profile?

  13. The Twelve Apostles are a series of limestone stacks off the coast of which Australian state, and how many of these stacks actually remain as of today?

  14. What is the floral emblem of Australia, and in which environments is it commonly found?

  15. Name one of Australia’s most famous wine-producing regions, renowned for its Shiraz.

  16. After Greenland, what is the largest island that is part of Australia, and what is it known for in terms of natural beauty and wildlife?

  17. Who were the first European explorers to chart the Australian coast, and in which century did this occur?

  18. What animal is depicted on the Australian Coat of Arms alongside the kangaroo, and what is its symbolic significance?

  19. The “Ten Pound Poms” refers to a post-World War II assisted migration scheme. What was the primary objective of this program, and which country’s citizens were predominantly involved?

  20. Lake Hillier is famous for its striking color. What color is this lake, and what is believed to cause this unique hue?

  21. Who is a famous Australian author known for the novel “The Thorn Birds,” and what is the central theme of this best-selling book?

  22. The Melbourne Cup is a major event in Australia. What sport is it associated with, and when is it traditionally held each year?

  23. The Great Ocean Road is one of Australia’s most scenic drives. Which war’s returned soldiers built it, and for what purpose was it initially constructed?

  24. Approximately how many indigenous languages are spoken in Australia today, and what is the name of one of the most widely spoken indigenous languages?

  25. Name a critically acclaimed Australian film from the late 20th century that significantly impacted the global perception of Australian cinema.

  26. Which Australian city is home to the Parkes Observatory, known for its role in transmitting live television of the Apollo 11 moon landing?

  27. Bondi Beach is one of Australia’s most famous beaches. In which Australian city is it located, and what is it particularly known for?

  28. Who was the first female Prime Minister of Australia, and in which year did she assume office?

  29. Aboriginal rock art is a significant aspect of Australian cultural heritage. In which region of Australia is the ancient rock art site, known as Ubirr, located?

  30. The Eucalyptus tree is a common and iconic tree in Australia. What unique characteristic does it possess that is particularly adapted to the Australian environment?

  31. Who was the Australian Nobel laureate in Medicine, recognized for his work in immunology, and what was his key discovery?

  32. The Gondwana Rainforests are among the most extensive areas of subtropical rainforest in the world. In which Australian states are these rainforests primarily located?

  33. Which famous Australian rock band, known for hits like “Back in Black” and “Highway to Hell,” achieved significant international success?

  34. The Queen Victoria Building in Sydney is a notable example of Victorian architecture. For what purpose was it originally built, and in which year was it completed?

  35. The Tasmanian Devil is a unique carnivorous marsupial found in Australia. What is distinctive about its behavior and physical characteristics?


  1. The Great Barrier Reef comprises around 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands.

  2. The belief system is known as “The Dreaming” or “Dreamtime.”

  3. The animal is the Platypus. It uses electrolocation to sense its prey underwater.

  4. The largest desert is the Great Victoria Desert, and the renowned rainforest is the Daintree Rainforest.

  5. The architect was Jørn Utzon, and the Sydney Opera House officially opened in 1973.

  6. Iron ore is the mineral. The Pilbara region in Western Australia is most notable for iron ore production.

  7. The Eureka Stockade occurred in 1854. It was primarily caused by miner objections to the cost of a Miner’s Licence and lack of representation.

  8. The cricketer is Sir Donald Bradman, known as “The Don.”

  9. Canberra is the capital city of Australia, differing from Sydney, the largest city, in both population size and global fame.

  10. The Ningaloo Reef is the significant marine ecosystem, known for its whale sharks and manta rays.

  11. Uluru is located in the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. It’s a sacred site in Aboriginal culture, particularly for the Anangu people.

  12. The spread is Vegemite, known for its strong, salty, and slightly bitter taste.

  13. The Twelve Apostles are located off the coast of Victoria. As of today, only eight of the original stacks remain.

  14. The Golden Wattle is Australia’s floral emblem. It’s commonly found in forests, woodlands, and shrublands.

  15. The Barossa Valley in South Australia is renowned for its Shiraz wines.

  16. Tasmania is Australia’s largest island after Greenland, known for its rugged wilderness and unique wildlife.

  17. The Dutch were the first Europeans to chart the Australian coast, with explorations occurring in the 17th century.

  18. The Emu is depicted alongside the kangaroo. Both animals symbolize moving forward, as neither can move backwards easily.

  19. The primary objective was to populate Australia with British citizens, offering them a passage for only ten pounds.

  20. Lake Hillier is notable for its pink color, believed to be caused by the presence of certain algae and bacteria.

  21. Colleen McCullough is the author of “The Thorn Birds,” which explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the human spirit.

  22. The Melbourne Cup is associated with horse racing and is traditionally held on the first Tuesday of November each year.

  23. The Great Ocean Road was built by World War I returned soldiers and initially constructed as a memorial to those who died in the war.

  24. Today, about 120 indigenous languages are spoken. One widely spoken language is the Warlpiri language.

  25. “Mad Max” (1979) is a critically acclaimed film that significantly impacted the global perception of Australian cinema.

  26. The Parkes Observatory is located near Parkes, a town in New South Wales.

  27. Bondi Beach is located in Sydney and is known for its golden sands, surf culture, and vibrant lifestyle.

  28. Julia Gillard became the first female Prime Minister of Australia in 2010.

  29. Ubirr is located in the Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory and features ancient Aboriginal rock art.

  30. Eucalyptus trees are adapted to survive bushfires; many species have fire-resistant bark and can resprout after a fire.

  31. Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work on acquired immunological tolerance.

  32. The Gondwana Rainforests are primarily located in New South Wales and Queensland.

  33. AC/DC is the famous Australian rock band known for their significant international success.

  34. The Queen Victoria Building was originally built as a marketplace and was completed in 1898.

  35. The Tasmanian Devil is known for its loud and disturbing screech, aggressive nature, and powerful jaws capable of crushing bones.

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