29 Video Game Trivia Questions
Video games have become an integral part of modern entertainment, captivating players with immersive experiences, compelling stories, and challenging gameplay.
Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or just someone who enjoys occasional gaming sessions, testing your knowledge with some video game trivia can be a fun and engaging way to explore the gaming world.
In this blog post, we’ve compiled a list of exciting video game trivia questions to challenge your gaming expertise.
Feel free to use these questions for your next gaming-themed quiz night or simply to expand your knowledge about the gaming industry!
Video Game Trivia Questions
- In the original “Legend of Zelda” for the NES, what unique feature does the second quest offer in terms of the game world?
- Which video game, released in 1993, was the first to be rated by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB)?
- What is the name of the AI character in “Portal” who guides the player at the beginning, but becomes an antagonist as the game progresses?
- In “World of Warcraft,” what is the name of the final boss in the Naxxramas raid dungeon, originally introduced in the game’s “Wrath of the Lich King” expansion?
- Which real-world historical event is “Assassin’s Creed: Unity” set against?
- In “Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater,” what unique method can the player use to defeat the elderly sniper boss, The End, without a traditional battle?
- In the “Mass Effect” series, what alien race does the character Garrus Vakarian belong to?
- What is the maximum score a player can achieve in the original “Pac-Man” arcade game before experiencing the famous ‘kill screen’?
- In “Final Fantasy VII,” what is the name of Cloud Strife’s childhood friend, whose death is a pivotal moment in the game?
- What is the name of the first planet players visit in the original “Mass Effect” game after leaving the Citadel?
- In “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim,” which dragon shout is used to clear skies and is essential to progress through certain parts of the main storyline?
- What is the fictional language spoken by the Sims in “The Sims” video game series?
- In “BioShock Infinite,” what is the name of the floating city where the game predominantly takes place?
- What was the first commercially successful video game, released in 1972?
- In “Dark Souls,” players often encounter a recurring character known for his distinct laughter and ambiguous motives. What is his name?
- Which video game, first released in 2004, is known for introducing the gameplay mechanic of “bullet time” in its action sequences?
- In “The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time,” what is the name of Link’s horse?
- In “Street Fighter II,” what is the name of Guile’s special move that involves a quick forward somersault with a trailing sonic boom?
- Which game, developed by Rare and released in 1997, was one of the first to feature a sniper rifle with a zoomable scope in a first-person shooter?
- In the game “Chrono Trigger,” what is the name of the kingdom where Crono and his friends live?
- In the “Half-Life” series, what is the name of the research facility where the game begins?
- Which classic arcade game was the first to introduce a level progression system rather than repeating a single screen?
- In “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt,” what is the name of Geralt’s main horse?
- What is the default player name used in the high score table of the original “Doom”?
- In “Final Fantasy IX,” what is the name of the main character who is a member of the Tantalus Theater Troupe?
- What is the name of the artificial island city in the game “Deus Ex: Human Revolution”?
- In “Red Dead Redemption 2,” who is the leader of the Van der Linde gang?
- What is the name of the silent protagonist in the original “Half-Life” game?
- In “Resident Evil 4,” what is the name of the president’s daughter whom Leon S. Kennedy is sent to rescue?
- In the second quest of the original “Legend of Zelda,” the dungeons are completely rearranged, offering a new layout and a higher difficulty level.
- “Mortal Kombat” was the first game to be rated by the ESRB. Its release and the controversy surrounding its violent content were key reasons for the establishment of the ESRB.
- The AI character in “Portal” is named GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System).
- The final boss in the Naxxramas raid in “World of Warcraft” is Kel’Thuzad.
- “Assassin’s Creed: Unity” is set during the French Revolution.
- In “Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater,” the player can defeat The End by saving the game during the battle and then not playing for a week or by advancing the system clock. The End will die of old age.
- In the “Mass Effect” series, Garrus Vakarian is a Turian.
- The maximum score in the original “Pac-Man” is 3,333,360 points. This is achieved by clearing 256 boards, each with the maximum possible score, before encountering the kill screen.
- Cloud Strife’s childhood friend in “Final Fantasy VII” is Tifa Lockhart.
- In “Mass Effect,” the first planet players visit after leaving the Citadel is Eden Prime.
- In “Skyrim,” the dragon shout to clear skies is called “Clear Skies” or “Lok Vah Koor” in the dragon language.
- The fictional language spoken by Sims is called “Simlish.”
- The floating city in “BioShock Infinite” is named Columbia.
- The first commercially successful video game was “Pong.”
- The character in “Dark Souls” known for his distinct laughter is Patches, often referred to as “Trusty Patches.”
- “Max Payne,” released in 2001, is known for popularizing the “bullet time” gameplay mechanic, not a game from 2004.
- In “The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time,” Link’s horse is named Epona.
- In “Street Fighter II,” Guile’s special move is called “Flash Kick.”
- The game developed by Rare that featured a sniper rifle with a zoomable scope was “GoldenEye 007.”
- In “Chrono Trigger,” the kingdom where Crono lives is called Guardia, specifically in the year 1000 A.D.
- The research facility in the “Half-Life” series is called the Black Mesa Research Facility.
- “Donkey Kong,” released in 1981, was the first arcade game to feature multiple unique levels.
- In “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt,” Geralt’s horse is named Roach.
- The default player name in the original “Doom” is “Flynn Taggart.”
- In “Final Fantasy IX,” the main character from Tantalus Theater Troupe is named Zidane Tribal.
- The artificial island city in “Deus Ex: Human Revolution” is called Hengsha.
- In “Red Dead Redemption 2,” the leader of the Van der Linde gang is Dutch van der Linde.
- The silent protagonist in the original “Half-Life” is Gordon Freeman.
- In “Resident Evil 4,” the president’s daughter’s name is Ashley Graham.